Today we caught up with Lauris Valters to hear about his song and his hidden love of sports!
First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ? What can you tell us about yourself?
Hello! So my name is Lauris Valters, I’m a 33 year old musician, composer, poet and singer from Latvia! My full time job and hobby is music and everything about it! I had a band for 12 years, but for the last 5 years I’ve been performing as a solo artist.
Your song that you will be presenting for Supernova is “Lover Bliss”. What can you tell us about the song?
In last year’s Supernova, I performed a song called “Magic Years” and it was dedicated to my girlfriend and fiancée Vita… so this song is continuing the theme! Last year we got married and our story moves on! The song is about love, trust and all the things that we can be to each other and the bliss we can reach together.
What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Supernova and Eurovision?
As I already mentioned, my inspiration is my life, my wife and our emotions – that special feeling that we are heading in the right direction and love is something that is very important; it is bliss!
What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favourite entry?
The Eurovision Song Contest is really big opportunity for every artist who steps on the stage and it’s a great show in general! Yes, I’ve watched it every year since 2000 when Latvia started to be a part of this song contest! My favourites are Loreen from Sweden and Salvador Sobral from Portugal!
Do you think performing at the Eurovision Song Contest will have a positive impact on your career?
Of course; every contest and every concert makes new possibilities and it’s great that we live in such a special time when we can perform, participate and show the best we got!
What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given?
Don’t take everything so seriously, enjoy every moment whether it is about winning or losing, ‘cause every day in our lives gives us experience and our soul needs that; get everything you can from this beautiful life!
What’s the one thing that might surprise people about you?
I love sport a lot: basketball , ice hockey, football and lot of others, and I know lot more about sport than music!
Can you tell us about your first experience with music?
My first experience comes from my family, mostly from my father who is a secondary school headmaster, but he has been composing and singing for 45 years and that is what I saw in my childhood. And of course I spent 8 years in music school where I played piano. And, one more thing – I started singing in choir from the age of 7 , first it was boys choir and now it is men choir; it gives lot of inspiration for my soul.
Thanks for your time. We wish you the best of luck for the upcoming competition. Maybe we see you in May in Lisbon!
Thank You very much! I would definitely love to go and sing in Lisbon!
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