Ahead of tonight’s first live show for Latvia’s Supernova, we spoke to the twin sisters of Dvines. They wowed us with a modern upbeat entry in 2016 with “Set it on Fire”, and after a year out they are back in competition for Latvia’s ticket to Lisbon.
First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you? Can you introduce yourselves? What can you tell us about yourselves?
Thank you for reaching out, we’re glad to answer your questions. We are great, thank you! We are DVINES, the twin-sister duo from Latvia. This is our second time participating in a Supernova show, the last time we participated was in the year 2016, with a song from our debut album “Set it on Fire”.
The song that you will be presenting for Supernova is “More Than Meets The Eye”. What can you tell us about the song?
The inspiration behind the lyrics of the song was a never-ending fight with self-doubt, insecurities and fears, so the message is clear – you are more than meets the eye, you are stronger, smarter, and you are capable of great things if only you believe in yourself!
What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Supernova and Eurovision?
This year the song “More Than Meets the Eye” was written separately, not as a part of any upcoming album or project. We took part in a very fun song-writing camp – RIGaLIVE – the song was born, we liked it and although it didn’t necessarily fit in to any of our upcoming releases plans, we decided to finish it and give it a try at the Supernova contest. Gladly the song was chosen, and here we are getting ready for a big night.
What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favourite entry?
We used to watch Eurovision every year, when we were little, after the success of Latvia’s first two years in the contest, the interest towards the event was huge in our country. Since then we followed Eurovision quite a lot, it’s always interesting to make bets and see the trends of the European pop scene. Our favorite entry of all time must be Loreen’s “Euphoria”, because it feels like it really opened up the gates for trendy, non-Eurovision-sounding music, which is great, and makes the competition a lot more diverse and interesting.
Do you think performing at the Eurovision Song Contest will have a positive impact on your career?
We think performing at the Eurovision can positively impact a career in Latvia, if speaking of a career on a global or even European scale – we think a lot more should be done to achieve that.
What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given?
The best advice ever that even we ourselves give each other every day is – to relax and to not overthink, but also – not to read any comments online.
Can you tell us about your first experience with music?
Our first experience with music like with many others would naturally be our mother’s lullabies, and our mom has a beautiful voice, and we always wanted to sing along.
Thank you for your time Dvines, and we wish you the best of luck in Supernova!
Thank you for the interview!
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