It was a fun night in Reykjavík at Laugardalshöll, the location for the final of Söngvakeppnin, Iceland’s traditional selection method for the Eurovision Song Contest. After two semi-finals, five acts competed in the final. All acts had to perform in the Icelandic language in the semi-finals, and if they qualified for the final, then they could choose the language they intended to sing in at Eurovision. All acts decided to change their entry to their English-language version except for Væb, who stuck with the Icelandic version. The running order was as follows:

1. VÆB – “Bíómynd”
2. Hera Björk – “Scared of Heights”
3. ANITA – “Downfall”
4. Bashar Murad – “Wild West”
5. Sigga Ózk – “Into The Atmosphere”
(Click on the songs listed to watch the live performances on YouTube.)

Rather than the qualifiers being determined purely by televoting, the final was split 50/50 between a combination of a jury and a televote. The top two entries by the end of voting will then advance to a superfinal. Both acts perform again and the winner of the competition is determined by 100% televote. Before the final occurred, the list of the 7 jury members, all from Iceland, were revealed as follows:

  • Vigdís Hafliðadóttir (singer)
  • Sindri Ástmarsson (program director of Iceland Airwaves)
  • Erna Hrönn (singer and radio host)
  • Árni Matthíasson (music journalist and writer)
  • Sigríður Beinteinsdóttir (singer, competed for Iceland in Eurovision in 1990 as part of Stjórnin, 1992 as part of Heart 2 Heart, and 1994 as a solo artist)
  • Einar Bárðarson (chairman of the board of Tónlistarmiðstöðvar, Iceland’s Music Center)
  • Elín Hall (musician)

The show was filled with great opening and interval acts, from both Selma, Iceland’s representative in 1999 and 2005, and last year’s representative in Liverpool, Diljá. After the interval, the results were announced. The two acts named to the superfinal were Hera Björk and Bashar Murad! Both acts performed again and a second round of televoting began. After the end of the televote, it was revealed that Hera Björk was the winner with the song “Scared of Heights”!

As mentioned when the artists were announced, whether or not Iceland will go to Malmö will be decided by the winner and RÚV. Hera Björk has stated that if she won the contest, she’ll be going to Malmö. Iceland will compete in the second half of the first semi-final on 7 May.

Do #YOU agree with the winner? What do you think of Iceland’s chances to win the whole contest? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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