Yes, Melfest has changed again. Gone is the Andra Chansen, and the Semi-Final and now there was a heat 5 and a Finalkval? You still following? Well before I let you know how it went, here is how Melfest explained it to us.
Once both finalists in heat 5 have been selected, the ten entries placed third and fourth in the five heats return to compete for the two remaining final places. This takes place in a final qualifier through an extension of competition 5. An extended quick replay of the ten qualifying entries is shown and viewers can vote up to five times per entry in the app and per phone number.
Understand? Yeah kinda me either. And the vote even less. In basic terms, the acts are given points based on their result in their heat and the amount of people that voted. As to not rig the contest, if you got a certain amount of votes in a heat with less voters than the other you both get the same amount of points. Much more complicated than the old Andra Chansen.
AND THEN, another round of voting opens, where points are given out as if its the final with the votes combined and awarded from the lowest scoring artist to the top.
Yes, I’m already lost and I watched the contest.
Anyway, we watched the first set of votes come through, with Fronken Snusk leading and Annika Wickihalder coming second. I think I understood it.
And the vote reopens – SVT are funding their Eurovision hosting duties through this contest.
And here are our final results with Annika Wickihalder and Jay Smith joining the other 10 acts in Stockholm next Saturday, there was a tie for 2nd place but Jay goes through!
How do #YOU feel about the new Finalkval? Are #YOU happy with our final qualifiers? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!