Spain’s Eurovision selection show Benidorm Fest is set to kick off next week, and we were lucky enough to meet with the band Varry Brava ahead of the semi-final shows. Learn more about how the band came together, what inspires their music, and what motivated them to compete in the national selection!

Hello there guys! Thank you for taking some time to speak with me! For those who are encountering you and your music for the first time, why don‘t you tell us a bit about yourself?

We are a band formed by three friends. We met in high school and we were always talking about music, playing guitar, sharing records, until we finally decided to start a band.

I know that the group was first formed in 2009, but I think a lot of our readers would be interested to learn how how the band itself first began. Why don’t you tell us about Varry Brava’s “origin story”?

Like what I was telling you in the previous question, we were composing some songs and rehearsing until 2009 when we took part in a competition in Orihuela, the city where we are from, and we won. Those were our first two performances and from then on everything started.

While reading up on your musical style, you’ve been described as an indie pop band influenced by the Spanish pop scene of the 80’s and the sounds of disco. What is it about these genres that you love so much?

I think it is the music that was playing when we were born. The sounds that you spend your whole life searching for are in a certain way the ones that sounded in your childhood, it’s a kind of permanent return to that first awareness of the world, I think it coincides quite well with our feelings towards that music.

Now let’s focus in on the Spanish pre-selection Benidorm Fest 2022. What was your motivation or inspiration for submitting an entry to the national final this year?

On one hand, RTVE has made this year all the facilities for the process, so that the largest number of bands could access and we are very happy that it has been so and hopefully it will continue for a long time. On the other hand, for us Eurovision is a sample of Spanish and Mediterranean music that we have always liked very much and we love that image of a mixture of music from all countries.

And so you submit the song, and then get the call that you’re a semi-finalist for Benidorm. What was your initial reaction to the news?

A lot of joy and to be a little closer to our goal, which is to win Eurovision.

Your song for is titled “Raffaella” – can you tell us a bit more about the message of the song and how it was written?

It began as a tribute to the greatest authors of Spanish music of the 60s and 70s (Manuel Alejandro, Ramón Arcusa, Julio Iglesias…) and suddenly the figure of Raffaella crossed in this song, as it also happened in real life in the mid-70s. She brought us light, disco music, dancing, sex… and then everything changed, as it happens in the song.

What has the Benidorm Fest experience been like so far? Has anything taken you by surprise as you prepare for the live shows later this month?

What has surprised and pleased us the most is to meet all the Eurofans, they are a very large and very loving community that has real passion and devotion for music and artists and we find it magical to have discovered them and that they have welcomed us so well.

For our readers who want to connect with you before and after Benidorm Fest, where can they find you and your music?

From you can access all our concerts, albums, social networks, etc…

Last question – is there any message you’d want to share with the ESCUnited readers?

Thank you very much for your support and interest, hopefully we continue to cross our paths and see you in Turin! 😉

Well that’s all the questions I have – thank you so much for taking some time for us and we wish you the best of luck during Benidorm Fest!

What do #YOU think of Varry Brava’s song “Raffaella”? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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