Home Tag Archives: Benidorm Fest 2022

Tag Archives: Benidorm Fest 2022

Spain: Benidorm Fest reviews round 2

Spain has opted for a national final format this year called Benidorm Fest. The show will happen this week and Semi-final 2 will be broadcast tonight. It is about time that the ESCUnited team took a look at all of the competing songs and gave their verdict. On today’s review panel we find: Boris Meersman, our passionate Belgian who is …

Everything you need to know ahead of Benidorm Fest Semi-Finals One and Two!

Tonight Spain will kick off their official search for Eurovision 2022, as the first six artists take to the stage for a chance to perform in Saturday’s grand final. The Spanish national final will not be like it’s former versions, quick studio selections and over in 1-2 hours. This year Spain has created it’s own multi-show selections, and the hype …

Varry Brava: “We met in high school and we were always talking about music.”

Spain’s Eurovision selection show Benidorm Fest is set to kick off next week, and we were lucky enough to meet with the band Varry Brava ahead of the semi-final shows. Learn more about how the band came together, what inspires their music, and what motivated them to compete in the national selection! Hello there guys! Thank you for taking some time …