
Vladimir Preradović, also known as Lord, is one of the seventeen acts that will participate in the upcoming Beovizija, the Serbian national selection, with the song Samo nek se okreće (Let it spin). For a long time he has been working as a music producer and besides writing his entry, he is preparing his debut album. We got the chance to speak to him about his upcoming participation!

Could you tell our readers who Lord is in just two short sentences?

Who is Lord? Well, every one of us. We all are gentlemen and ladies. I’m a self-proclaimed gentleman who is obsessed with music!

What were your first thoughts when you found out that you will participate at Beovizija?

Finally I will get some promotion!

What do you expect out of your participation?

I expect to have a great time!

How does your typical day look?

Some days are simple, some are chaotic and often it doesn’t ends up like I planned it. The essential thing is food. Without food and when I am hungry all other things don’t matter. Rest of the time I spend in the studio composing, producing, I do my best to have some evening walks as they really clear my mind.

Would you be so kind to tell us something interesting about yourself?

I am Batman!

How would you describe your song in just few words?

Innovative, traditional, modern, lifelike.

Your first Eurovision memory?

It’s probably Daniel Popović with his song “Džuli”. I remember loving that tune when I was a kid.

Your favorite Eurovision song?

There are quite a lot of excellent ones, but the first one that pops my mind is Mans’ “Heroes”.

Do you have any kind of a message for Eurovision fans from all around world?

No stress, have fun! And send me to Eurovision, so I can feel that euphoria everybody is talking about!

We would like to thank Lord for his time talking to us and wish him the best of luck with his participation in Beovizija!

What do #YOU think of Lord’s entry for Beovizija? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!

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