With a number of national selections fast approaching, we wanted to learn more about the people and personalities behind some of the entries hoping to reach Rotterdam this year.

This time, we spoke to Eesti Laul semi-finalist Renate about her inspirations in her song and her music career, as well as Eleni Foureira and her YouTube channel…

Hello Renate! First of all thank you for taking the time to talk to us. How are you? Can you introduce yourself? What can you tell us about yourself?

Thank you for the interview! I’m pretty busy these days but good! 

I am a singer/songwriter and have been recording music for 10 years now. I start learning piano when I was 8. Years later I started my own YouTube channel, where I uploaded piano covers which I made only hearing (and I still do them sometimes). Thanks to this channel I also got my recording deal with Tre Music. 

The song that you will be presenting for Eesti Laul is “Videomäng”. What can you tell us about the song?

“Videomäng” is a story of my childhood, where me and my best friend spent all the school holidays together, rode our bikes, hung around and had the best time of our lives. Now we are grown-ups and unfortunately don’t see each other very often anymore, but we still have those great memories. 

What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Eesti Laul and Eurovision?

The inspiration for the song was probably my growing daughter who revived in me those beautiful memories of my childhood. We didn’t write it specifically for the Eesti Laul, but when it was ready we thought, let’s give it a try.

What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favourite entry?

I am a huge Eurovision fan and I have watch it since I remember myself. Probably my favourite is “Fuego” by Eleni Foureira.

Do you think performing at the Eurovision Song Contest would have a positive impact on your career?

It will definitely, but also the Eesti Laul contest is a very good springboard to my career in Estonia.

What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given? 

“Start to notice and care about the little things in life, it will change the quality of your life.”

What’s the one thing that might surprise people about you?

I got a BA in administration and business organisation!

Can you tell us about your first experience with music?

I remember when I was five years old, my grandparents got a piano and I was fascinated by it. It was probably the first time I felt a connection with the piano.

Thanks for your time. We wish you the best of luck for the upcoming competition. Maybe we will see you in May in Rotterdam!

Thank you!

Renate will compete in tonight’s Eesti Laul semi-final with “Videomäng”. #YOU can check out and follow Renate on FacebookInstagram and Spotify.

What do #YOU think of Renate and “Videomäng”? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below in the comments and on social media!

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