As the Serbian national final, Beovizija, is approaching we continue to bring you exclusive interviews with local participants. Next in line is young, aspiring and a star in rising – Lazar Živanović.

Here’s what he had to say regarding his song, Beovizija participation, Eurovision, and himself.

Hello Lazar, onca again, thank you for having this chat with us! First of all, tell our readers what motivated you to apply for Beovizija?

Hey man, hello to you too and hello to all escYOUnited readers! So as I am trying to launch my career both, locally and internationally, I think Eurovision is the best way to promote myself.

What can you tell us about your song? How was it like to work with authors how already have some Eurovision experience? 

The song is made to be in Eurovision style and I believe that the jury and the audience will see and hear it’s potential. Everybody interprets its message in their own way. Some see it as a song about the current situation at Kosovo and Metohija, while others see it as a purely love song. As for the authors, I see their experience as a bonus for me and my team.

Are you preparing something special for your stage performance?

Dejan Milićević, our star director, is in charge of my performance, so you can expect only the best! I can’t wait to show what we have in line for you! You will be amazed!

Describe yourself in just three words.

Sincere, persistent, emotional.

Would you kind enough to tell us something interesting about yourself, about your life?

I think you should better ask this question my friends and coworkers. I’m not so skilled in pointing out things like that, besides what’s interesting to one person, can be dull to another one. And that’s why I’m trying to be interesting to be people at any cost.

Are you a Eurovision fan? Have you been watching it in previous years? Is there any song that can be found on your daily playlist?

I watch Eurovision every year since I can remember! I always root for my favorites. I have to mention two songs – Euphoria and Fuego. Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah. FUEGO!

What would it mean to you to represent Serbia at Eurovision?

If I represented Serbia I would feel so honored and privileged. I feel I would die of excitement, but I would do my best to represent my country in best possible way.

Lazar, thank you so much for finding time in your busy schedule for this interview. We wish you the best of luck at Beovizija. Maybe we will see you in May in Rotterdam!

#YOU can check out and follow Lazar on Instagram HERE.

What do #YOU think of  Lazar’s entry Puklo je nebo? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below in the comments and on social media!


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