
Tomorrow is the day that the Netherlands release their song for 2019. We already know that the artist will be Duncan Laurence, but the Netherlands remained silent after that. They are currently in 6th place in the odds, but is the actual song already leaked?

This afternoon a website about Duncan Laurence temporarily existed and it contained information about the song. Since then, the website was unfortunately taken down, but according to this website Duncan’s song will be called “Arcade”. Now this in itself isn’t huge news, but a quick search on YouTube revealed that there are 2 samples leaked by one person. They are both of the presumed song “Arcade”; the first is a long version of nearly 4 minutes that sounds like it is recorded while Duncan sang it live. This of course is too long for Eurovision, but we get a bit of an idea of what it could sound like and how Duncan’s voice sounds.

The song sounds emotional and minimalistic. The second is more of a “promo” of 2 minutes. The instrumentals sound a bit more polished and it has a bit more of a punch than the first one. The most interesting part is that the first was released on the 21st of February and the promo was released a day later. Maybe they were rehearsing or recording and “the leaker” found bits of this or recorded it on their phone.

No matter what, we will know the song tomorrow and then we can see if all of these rumours are correct or not. Duncan started to post pictures on his Instagram to start some hype. By tomorrow the full picture will be visible and if we go by the time he posted those pictures, we can probably expect the song to be released around lunchtime.

What do #YOU think? Could this be the real entry and how do you like it? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!

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One Comment

  1. All Wei

    March 6, 2019 at 15:28

    If this is the chosen entry for the NLD’s this year??. I can say Im much Underwelhmed. Maybe the Final cut 2mrrw will be another one??. Just wait and see

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