i hope he is being comforted, he was so nervous...
Don't blame a young man for his nerves. Blame the broadcaster for not choosing better or not supporting him better for this moment. Belgium now for three consecutive years sent shy and scared looking acts to Eurovision. This is not a winning formular and they should reconsider.
Blanche was saved back in 2017 where I thought her bad vocals would make her a NQ but it ended up passing in the song even more, but this year, you could see it coming, he struggled very hard with some notes and looked scared.
RBTF will make justice for this next year
So sad for our dear Eliot. He was soooo scared you coud see it from the very first moment.
You mean the year after, in 2021.
It's now time for VRT to correct RTBF mess. We need What's The Pressure[/I 2.0]!