This weekend, Norway joins the growing list of countries to select their song for Eurovision 2021 as the final of Melodi Grand Prix takes place in Fornebu. One of the competing acts is Kiim, the talented entertainer with the most powerful of voices!
We spoke to Kiim about his home renovations, inspirations behind “My Lonely Voice” and the importance of the live performance this weekend.
Hello Kiim! First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you?
Thank you for having me! I’m great at the moment! Really happy that I can focus on the music, and forget the pandemic for a minute!️
Can you introduce yourself?
I’m a 30 year old guy, from a small town called Notodden in Telemark County, Norway. I’m a full-time singer and entertainer, and I’ve mostly done private company parties and launches/kick-off’s the last 3 years. I also sing in a band called The Norwegian Soulband. Love it! Soul and funk is so fun to sing. (Album coming up summer 2021!)
What can you tell us about yourself?
KIIM is a honest and straight forward kind of guy. I’m also the one with the big laugh. You know, the one at the party you hear everywhere laughing and just enjoying life! That’s me! I’m also the guy your girlfriend/boyfriend comes to, if there are any problems that needs to be solved.
Fun fact: I renovated a house in 2019, and did almost everything myself. Except the bathroom, and certain carpenter work that you need license to do!
The song that you will be presenting for the Melodi Grand Prix is “My Lonely Voice”. What can you tell us about the song?
The song is about a trip I took to London in July 2019. I met a guy, and we had the best weekend ever together! Both actually thought that we’d found “the one”. Two months later I came back to visit, and to plan his visit to Norway. And to figure out how we gonna do it. But when we met again, the magic was somehow gone. Non of us actually to this day know why but there was something off. So the song replicates the feeling I had when I was on my way to Heathrow Airport on my way home. I was crying and felt really bad.
What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Melodi Grand Prix and Eurovision?
The song is just a personal “little” thing, but it was written on a MGP/Eurovision song-writing camp. So in a natural way, it got a bit Eurovision-ified with the build-up. The inspiration to the song is actually “Ashes” by Celine Dion (I love that song), and not Arcade as many have implied on social media. hihi
What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year?
Professional, and a great place to showcase yourself as an artist! It’s a open community, and every genre is allowed. I love it! I’ve watched almost every Eurovision! Love the concept that Europe (and Australia) is one big happy family that just love music!
Do you think performing at the Eurovision Song Contest would have a positive impact on your career?
Absolutely! One thing is singing this song in studio. But for me… I live for a good live performance, and you can’t hide behind a studio vocal. You need to deliver live. And I really love that part of the show. And I hope that people will see and hear that.
What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given?
Less thinking, more action!
What’s the one thing that might surprise people about you?
That I’m handy, and into watching sports (like every sport). I’ve played handball for 13 years, football for 7 and tried some cross-country skiing when I was young, I didn’t have the body for skiing, except downhill though, haha!
Can you tell us about your first experience with music?
Hmmm, that’s a tough one, but I think it has to be the church choir?! Or in a family Christmas dinner. We always gather the whole family on my mother side (45-65 persons) and sing like 10-12 songs through the dinner! My first stage performance, that I can remember was at the age of 12.
Thanks for your time. We wish you the best of luck for Melodi Grand Prix. Maybe we see you in May in Rotterdam!
Kiim will take part in Saturday’s Melodi Grand Prix final with the song “My Lonely Voice”, hoping to represent Norway in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam.
Want to share the love with Kiim on social media? #YOU can find Kiim on Facebook and Instagram, and can also follow his music releases on YouTube and Spotify!
What do #YOU think of “My Lonely Voice”? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!