Today we continue with EMA interviews and this one is quite interesting.
Alex Volasko, Arsello and United Pandaz make an interesting mash-up and they guarantee us an amazing performance.

Guys, can you introduce yourselves to our readers in few short sentences?

– United Pandaz is a new project that has not yet been formally presented. This month we started with the promotion and by that we plan to present it all, including how things will look, like pandas… Everything will be show based, so you can expect and amazing performance at EMA.

I am a bit unknown to the general public as an artist, because I used to work more as a producer, not as a performer, but Alex is well known in Slovenia as he was the winner of many festivals here.

How did you gather? Is EMA the main reason?

– Yes, EMA is why we have gathered and made a song.
We did a really good song and we said, why not apply for EMA?
It is the biggest music festival in Slovenia and also it’s super to promote a new song and new project. 🙂

Can you tell us something about your song?

– The song is very positive and says that people should stick together. If we stick together, everything will be easier!

This will be one of the biggest EMA so far. Who do you consider your biggest rival?

– Well, we look forward to what EMA will look again, as it will again be the big festival which we remember when we were little.
We are pleased that this year the competition is really strong. This will make EMA more interesting, because we all will get more publicity in the media.
We are really looking forward to it! 🙂

What are your favorite Eurovision songs?

– As our performance is show based, that means that we loved songs that made the biggest show on the scene.
Eurovision brought us quite a lot of strong performers that we remember because of their shows. On the other hand, there were also a lot of those who were really good, with a lot of quality and amazing voices and they shouldn’t be forgotten.

It’s really hard to say which song is our favorite because there is really a lot of them.

Let’s say Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes. It really remains in our memory because of its great performance.

Would you be so kind to tell our readers something interesting about yourselves?

– Of course! You should plan to watch EMA, as you will see some pandas. And in what form, it shall remain hidden till EMA… 😀

Guys, thank you so much for your time.
I believe everyone is just waiting to see your show.

– It was our pleasure! All the best to escYOUnited fans!

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