It’s Day 4 of 6 for Una Voce per San Marino, the Sammarinese national final selection for Eurovision. Today the fourth Semi-Final aired, where artists are battling it out for qualification spots in the top five acts. We now know 13 finalists, and with only one more day of qualifications left, it’s anybody’s guess who will fill those remaining spots. The show continued the quality of the previous days, and was a nice show to watch!
Below is the list of all of the artists and their songs that were shown today in running order:
1. Auroro Borealo and Martelli – “Giù dal pero”
2. Bluesy – “Dune”
3. Brenda Novella – “Where I Belong”
4. Cainero – “Buio”
5. Casino Moon – “La chiave”
6. Dəva – “One Love”
7. Dez – “Freedom”
8. Diego Federico – “Drop It”
9. Effemme – “Half Full Glass”
10. Eklettika – “Occhi viola”
11. Elis – “A me”
12. Federubin – “Maddalena”
13. Flat Bit – “Una disco”
14. Gelida – “Occhi di ghiaccio”
15. Junaisinsane – “Don’t Care About”
16. Known Physics – “Call My Name”
17. Mad – “Terra rossa”
18. Mirjam – “Io amo”
19. Myky – “Coming Home”
20. Nadine Randle – “What’s on Your Mind”
21. Only Sara – “Drama Queen”
22. Prima – “Ferma”
23. Raffi – “E poi ti voglio”
24. Sandro Machado – “Mi sangas sen vi”
25. Spiros – “C’est ma guerre”
26. Thea – “Nordic Sages”
27. Veronica and Faber – “Strangers”
28. Vincent – “Lalla”
29. Vitania – “Lia”
30. Viva – “Sono come te”
You can watch the the full semi-final production here:
After the final ad break, the top five acts were announced. Dəva, Dez, Effemme, Nadine Randle, and Sandro Machado were all announced as the top five entries based on the scores of the jury, but only one act would advance to the final. That act was Dez with the song “Freedom“. However, Dəva, Effemme, Nadine Randle, and Sandro Machado aren’t out of the competition because of the Second Chance Round that will air on Friday, 23 February.
Una Voce per San Marino returns tomorrow with the Sammarinese semi-final with 7 participants, as well as the Second Chance Round, where the remaining spots in the final will be complete.
Are #YOU watching Una Voce per San Marino? Do you think the right entry qualified today? Are you rooting for the artists that get a Second Chance? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!