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Norway NORWAY 2021 - TIX - Fallen Angel

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September 28, 2009

What can I say?
I can't make her stay
When I know that she's so far above
How could she ever love someone like me
She's out of reach

Here in the dark inside the hole in my heart
I'm fighting all of my demons tryna tear me apart
And I'm still not sure what you ever saw in me

No, I'm a, I'm a fallen angel
And no matter where my heart is
There's no way I'll ever
Reach up to heaven
To you

She's so far out of this world
No way I could ever be with her
'Cause I know heaven's your home
That's where angels belong
And it wouldn't be fair
If I keep you down here

Here in the dark inside the hole in my heart
I'm fighting all of my demons tryna tear me apart
And I'm still not sure what you ever saw in me

No, I'm a, I'm a fallen angel
Tryna fly, but I'm not able
And I need you to know
That it's okay to let me go
'Cause no matter where my heart is
There's no way I'll ever
Reach up to heaven
To you

I'm a, I'm a fallen angel
Yeah I'm a, I'm a fallen angel
And I'm still not sure
What you ever saw in me

No, I'm a, I'm a fallen angel
Tryna fly, but I'm not able, so
Just let me go (I'm a, I'm a fallen angel)
'Cause no matter where my heart is
There's no way I'll ever
Reach up to heaven
To you​
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January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
I mean, he's a songwriter first, a singer second. Still, a lot of money can be made by writing music, and you'll get zero of the paparazzi attention. Honestly? Sounds preferable to being a celeb :-)


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
I think you're the only one who cares tbh. But no, this isn't surprising. Maybe his hardcore fans are surprised, I dunno.

Personally, I want Tix to flop because it's what NRK deserves after having voting issues in the final two years in a row, and not sacking Stig Karlsen after the disastrous backup jury scandal last year.

It's such a pity that Vivi Stenberg quit. We've not been anywhere near to match that level ever since she left her post


May 12, 2018
I have been wanting to ask, during the show before they announced the 4 finalists, did they explain why they split the artists in the 2 groups and how they split them? Or it's just random and they just announced 1 finalist from group 1 and remaining 3 from group 2.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
They split them into two groups because of corona restrictions. The first group was the 6 acts performing first, then the second group consisted of the last 6 acts


March 9, 2020
Can someone explain why TIX being famous only in Norway a big factor or even a topic of discussion regarding his Eurovision result?

Almost all ESC acts are locally/barely famous people and some of them are debutants who aren't even known in their home country.


February 1, 2014
Can someone explain why TIX being famous only in Norway a big factor or even a topic of discussion regarding his Eurovision result?

Almost all ESC acts are locally/barely famous people and some of them are debutants who aren't even known in their home country.
Probably because it explains why he won over KEiiNO?


May 12, 2018
They split them into two groups because of corona restrictions. The first group was the 6 acts performing first, then the second group consisted of the last 6 acts
Thanks! Silly me. I didn't even notice that they are split into 2 groups based on their performing orders. LOL. And here I am thinking why they did that. :LOL:

Elina UA

Well-known member
February 21, 2021
Ukraine, of course
Ohh it's horrible idea when artists emphasize their sad stories, conditions, backgrounds for some pity points. There were disabled singers and with sad background before and they didn't emphasize it.

This is still SONG contest. Let his song speak about his results. I wanna hear great music, the best from every nation. Right? Norway?

If you don't like my Post, click ignore button or link me part of my Post that u don't agree with so we can have healthy conversation. :sneaky::giggle:
You don't get it.
It's not about him.
It's about talking openly about mental health in society. He wants to inspire others who are suffering from it to open up. And he wants to eliminate stigma and shame in society.
He thinks this is his mission. Kudos to him. 👏👏👏
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Well-known member
May 7, 2018
Disclaimer: I was 10 in 2011, don't remember watching 2011. If I was several years older and already an avid esc watcher back then I would have said the same about Lena.

When I first saw videos called 'KEiiNO norway 2021' I thought they were some special guest interval act for the national contest (I don't follow the NF's closely) because why would they participate again after winning the televote 2 years ago, which due to the cancellation of esc 2020 feels like one year ago. They've had their chance very recently. It's someone else turn. Most returning artists participated and scored well longer ago or didn't do well and want a second chance. Or they're miniscule countries *cough cough San marino*, or they're ultracompetitive and want to sent an internally selected almost-won artist again for reasons to end up in the same place *cough cough Russia*. So I found it a bit weird tbh.


Well-known member
February 24, 2010
Oslo, Norway
Finally I am starting to recuperate from that horrible blow I got on Saturday. After seing the live performances I was quite sure this would be between Keiino and TIX. But all my votes went to Keiino. I loved their performance on Saturday and really wanted them to win. Even though I really really liked TIX too!!! He became my personal runner up. But even so I felt all empty all yesterday. I just wanted so much to see Keiino on the big ESC stage again! And I still think they could get a VERY decent result, improving from 2019.

So TIX? I will support him and his song. TIX is more relevant that Keiino in the norwegian popular music industry - much more I'd say. Keiino hasn't had any big hits here after SitS. TIX has had several. I think most people voting in the MGP is thinking no further than to our national final - I guess few are thinking "what till do well in Europe". At least they didnt this year.


February 1, 2014
You don't get it.
It's not about him.
It's about talking openly about mental health in society. He want to inspire other who are suffering from it to open up. And he want to eliminate stigma and shame in society.
He thinks this is his mission. Kudos to him. 👏👏👏
Can I just say that tourette is NOT, I repeat: is NOT a mental health issue, but a neurological one.

This is an important distinction.

Mental health issues affect the emotional and cognitive capacities of the patient (like in the case of depression, schizophrenia, psychosis or personality disorders) which is not the case with neurological diseases and especially not with tourette. Their cognitive and emotional capacities are as normal as anybody else's.

There is enough stigma on tourette patients already, so there's no need to put even more on them. I know you didn't want to do that but I felt the need to clarify this point.
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Elina UA

Well-known member
February 21, 2021
Ukraine, of course
Can I just say that Tourette is NOT, I repeat is NOT a mental health issue, but a neurological one.

This is an important distinction.

Mental health issues affect the emotional and cognitive capacities of the patient which is not the case with neurological deseases and especially not with Tourette.
You don't get it. [2]
He was going to commit suicide 3 years ago.😥


February 1, 2014
You don't get it. [2]
He was going to commit suicide 3 years ago.😥
I'm sorry, but those are the facts. Tourette is not a mental disease. Look it up, if you don't believe me.
A patient can of course develop psychological problems because of the stigmatization due to the illness and even become suicidal, but that doesn't mean, he's mentally ill. So we shouldn't call him that. It's hard enough for them not to be considered as the "crazy" ones, because of the tics related to the disease, so we should be extra careful to not put them in a category where they clearly do not belong. That's the minimum of respect we owe them.
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September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Finally I am starting to recuperate from that horrible blow I got on Saturday. After seing the live performances I was quite sure this would be between Keiino and TIX. But all my votes went to Keiino. I loved their performance on Saturday and really wanted them to win. Even though I really really liked TIX too!!! He became my personal runner up. But even so I felt all empty all yesterday. I just wanted so much to see Keiino on the big ESC stage again! And I still think they could get a VERY decent result, improving from 2019.

So TIX? I will support him and his song. TIX is more relevant that Keiino in the norwegian popular music industry - much more I'd say. Keiino hasn't had any big hits here after SitS. TIX has had several. I think most people voting in the MGP is thinking no further than to our national final - I guess few are thinking "what till do well in Europe". At least they didnt this year.

Say it louder for the people in the back

Elina UA

Well-known member
February 21, 2021
Ukraine, of course
I'm sorry, but those are the facts. Tourette is not a mental disease. Look it up, if you don't believe me.
A patient can of course develop psychological problems because of the stigmatization due to the illness and even become suicidal, but that doesn't mean, he's mentally ill. So we shouldn't call him that. It's hard enough for them not to be considered as the "crazy" ones, because of the tics related to the disease, so we should be extra careful to not put them in a category where they clearly do not belong. That's the minimum of respect we owe them.
If you politely agree to reread my posts, you will see that I never mentioned Tourette's syndrome.
He had suicidal thoughts due to depression. And this has nothing to do with Tourette's syndrome.
You are the one who mixed up one with another.


Well-known member
February 26, 2012
I think most people voting in the MGP is thinking no further than to our national final - I guess few are thinking "what till do well in Europe". At least they didnt this year.
Well, I think that even might be good thing. I mean, look at Italy? Italy is so good at eurovision not because Italians care what they are gonna send, they just vote for their favorite song in Sanremo.
Sometimes, it is better to not be so strict and calculating.. Also Keiino were at esc in 2019, this year it would have been like 2 years in a row for them.. With kinda the same style of song.. Tix is fresh!


Well-known member
September 19, 2017
I agree with this text! @Jopi
I mean, KEiiNO, as you said, tried to repeat that 2019 again. 'Spirit In The Sky' was better for me.
'Ut Av Mørket' is something new and fresh in my opinion. I can't stop repeating that refrain.
Thank you TIX, thank you Norway! Again and again! I like their wings as well. I mean TIX's style is perfect if you ask me. That fur, gold, chains and everything together is connected with the song and its meaning. I don't think that people won't vote cause he has wings ( maybe? ) and some guys before him had it too.



February 1, 2014
If you politely agree to reread my posts, you will see that I never mentioned Tourette's syndrome.
He had suicidal thoughts due to depression. And this has nothing to do with Tourette's syndrome.
You are the one who mixed up one with another.

I'm sorry if you are upset now, that was not my intention.

I read your post very closely and I reread it again as you asked me to. So...

I was first reacting to one of your posts where you didn't speak of a suicide attempt (which is not a mental disease per se either) but where you were talking about mental health issues in regard to TIX who was being discussed in the posts before as somebody who has the Tourette syndrome.

You said he wants to inspire other people who suffer from "it". So this "it" can't be mental health nor a suicide attempt because you cannot suffer from either of these, you only can suffer from a disease. And your use of the word "other" in this context implies that there is at least one person who suffers from this disease in the first place (otherwise the "other" makes no sense). Therefore I assumed you meant TIX as someone who suffers from the disease of tourette (as this was the only disease that was mentioned in the ongoing discussion about him) and who wants to inspire others (who also suffer from it). This seemed to me the most coherent conclusion in the context I replied to you. Following this you clearly made the equation between "mental health" and "tourette" as being an issue of it. Therefore I felt the need to make it clear that tourette is not an issue of mental health.

I don't think I mixed things together on the contrary I try to keep those notions apart from each other.

But we can stop here, if you want - I didn't want to attack you.
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