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Tag Archives: Sandro

Cyprus: Sandro releases his song Running!

We knew for a while that Sandro would be the representitive for Cyprus, we didn’t know his song yet. Today his song “Running” was finally released for the public to hear by his record label Panik Records. and here it is: The song is written by Sebastian Rickards, Octavian Rasinariu, Teo DK, Sandro himself and a known face in Alfie …

Romania: Roxen will sing “Alcohol You” in Rotterdam!

About 3 weeks ago, she was announced as the Romanian representative, then a bit over a week ago, she released her 5 potential songs and tonight it was all decided which song she would sing in Rotterdam. Selecția Națională 2020 The national final of Romania took place tonight and for the first time ever, the singer was internally selected, but …

Sandro will represent Cyprus at Eurovision 2019

Cyprus’ national broadcaster CyBC and the EBU have confirmed the rumours of recent weeks – Sandro will be the Cypriot representative in Rotterdam! The singer, who previously took part in The Voice of Germany in 2018 under the name Alessandro Rütten and also performed at this year’s New Wave Festival in Sochi, Russia, will become the 37th representative of the …