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Tag Archives: financial difficulties

Macedonian participation in jeopardy: MRT blocked by EBU

As has already been reported in Macedonian media, the European Broadcasting Union has put a block on the national broadcaster of (FYR) Macedonia, MRT, from accessing its productions and services. This is as a result of unpaid debts to the corporation which, if left unpaid, would result in Macedonia being blocked from participating at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. [AdSense-B] …

Bosnia & Herzegovina withdraws from Eurovision 2017

Perhaps it was too good to be true to have all of our favourite countries in Kiev and alas, it seems to be so. Overnight, the national broadcaster of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BHRT, has confirmed that the Balkan nation will be bowing out of the show in 2017 following increasing financial pressures on the corporation. Bosnia & Herzegovina’s troubled participation …