Semi-final two of the most popular national final has come and gone, and naturally the Swedes gave us a show full of fun, music, drama, and suspense. This semi-final showcased a plethora of genres from country pop, ballads, schlager, and so much more.

Tonight seven acts took to the stage in Gothenburg’s Scandinavium arena and competed for a chance to perform again in the Melodifestivalen final or in Andra Chansen in 3 weeks.

  1. Klara Hammarstöm – “Nobody”
  2. Jan Johansen – “Miraklernas tid”
  3. Dotter – “Bulletproof”
  4. Méndez and Alvaro Estrella – “Vamos amigos”
  5.  Linda Bengtzing – “Alla mino sorger”
  6. Paul Rey – “Talking In My Sleep”
  7. Anna Bergendahl – “Kingdom Come”

Once the voting was completed, the five acts moving on to the second round were announced. After some suspense and silly questions, the following songs moved on to round two in performance order:

  1. Klara Hammarstöm – “Nobody”
  2. Dotter – “Bulletproof”
  3. Méndez and Alvaro Estrella – “Vamos amigos”
  4. Paul Rey – “Talking In My Sleep”
  5. Anna Bergendahl – “Kingdom Come”

As per usual, there was more suspense as the official results were announced. Anna Bergendahl was announced as the first qualifier, and upon the announcement she fell to the floor, unable to believe that she had qualified to the final.

To the final:

  1. Anna Bergendahl – “Kingdom Come”
  2. Dotter – “Bulletproof”

To Andra Chansen:

  1. Paul Rey – “Talking In My Sleep”
  2. Méndez and Alvaro Estrella – “Vamos amigos”

That means that Klara Hammarstöm came in fifth place and will not be moving on in Melfest.

What do #YOU think about tonight’s show? Do you think the Swedish picked the right songs? Let us know in the comments, on social media, or on our forum!

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