Another day and another piece of information about the national final season for Eurovision 2021! This time, we hear from RTP of Portugal about Festival da Canção 2021, the Portuguese national selection used annually to select the Iberian nation’s song for Eurovision.
20 songs will take part in the competition, which will be held across three shows next spring; two semi-finals on 20th and 27th February 2021, with a final to follow on 6th March.
Eighteen of the 20 songwriters chosen for next year’s competition were specially invited by the Portuguese broadcaster, with the remaining two chosen from an open casting call which yielded 693 submissions earlier in the year.
The composers for FdC 2021 are;
- Anne Victorino d’Almeida
- Carolina Deslandes
- Da Chick
- Fábia Maia
- Filipe Melo
- Hélder Moutinho
- Irma
- Joana Alegre
- João Vieira
- Karetus
- Miguel Marôco (from open call)
- Pedro da Linha
- Pedro Gonçalves (from open call)
- Stereossauro
- Tainá
- Virgul
- Viviane
Among the composers are Carolina Deslandes who finished fourth in Portugal’s version of Idol in 2010, renowned fado songwriter Hélder Moutinho, DJ group Karetus and Lisbon-based electronic/funk artist Da Chick. Last year’s winning songwriter and composer Marta Carvalho is not in the list for 2021.
It is not currently known which of these songwriters will be performing their own songs, with Portugal’s RTP yet to announce the artists and song-titles, but we can imagine some of these names will become more familiar over the coming months!
What do #YOU think of the list of songwriters for Festival da Canção 2021? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!