This morning an official webpage was launched on the KAN website with the following text: “This year you are determining which song represents Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest!” This webpage is the official voting site for Eden Alene’s online national final – and will help to determine her 2021 entry.

The Israeli broadcaster had plans to host a live national final for the top qualifying songs according to the early plans and submission paperwork we reported on back in July. It appears that instead of broadcasting 2 semi-finals live and selecting 4 entries for a live final, KAN is taking the cheaper route and conducting an online national selection. KAN was to sign an agreement with production companies “Eretza Productions” and “Koma Productions” for the national final, but that agreement still has not be signed, which may be the main factor for the online process. It is still unclear if the final entries will be performed live or will be selected internally.

According to Euromix, the public will decide which 2 songs from the 9 candidates should be considered for Eurovision, while a jury of music professionals will also send 1 song through. That means that 3 of the 9 songs will advance to the final round. You can listen to some of the songs below, and vote on the website for your favorites here!

  1. Shoulders
  2. Can’t Stop a Hurricane
  3. Coming Out
  4. Flying
  5. La La Love
  6. Set Me Free
  7. Ue La La
  8. Spilling Magic
  9. Rise Up Today

These entries were narrowed down from a total of 220 potential Eurovision entries and were selected by a group of 6 professionals from the Israeli music industry. Songwritters who submitted were not happy that their songs would not be performed live as they were lead to believe – one even threatened to take KAN to court if they did not select 16 entries for the next round as they promised in the contract.

What do #YOU think of the 9 entries for Eden? Is there a potential Eurovision winner among them?


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