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Sweden SWEDEN 2022 - Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer

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September 28, 2009


No need to apologize
'Cause there’s nothing to regret
Well, this is not what I wanted
Guess all the good things come to an end

So baby bye, bye
Wish you the best
But most of alI I wish that I could love you less
Well, maybe you're right
I'll find someone else
You say it isn't me, but when did that ever help?

Hold me closer
Although you'll leave before the sunrise
I'll be bleeding, but don't you mind, I'll be fine
Oh, it kills me
I found the right one at the wrong time
But until the sunrise
Hold tight, hold tight

Maybe it happened too fast
I guess that I understand
You say that you've never felt this way for anyone
And that's why it scares you to death

So baby bye, bye
Know it's for the best
Still I can't see how that would ease the pain in my chest

Hold me closer
Although you'll leave before the sunrise
I'll be bleeding, but don't you, mind I'll be fine
Oh, it kills me
I found the right one at the wrong time
But until the sunrise
Could you just hold me tight?
I know, I have to let go, but just give me the night

'Cause tomorrow will hurt
Hurt really bad
'Cause I’m about to lose the best I ever had

Hold me closer
Although you'll leave before the sunrise
I'll be bleeding, but don't you mind, I'll be fine
Oh, it kills me
I found the right one at the wrong time
But until the sunrise
Could you just hold me tight?
I know, I have to let go, but just give me the night (Hold me tight, hold me tight)

Can't you see that you found the right one at the wrong time?
It was just the wrong time
Hold tight, hold tight


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
My pediction for Cornelia: 1st with juries and 2nd with televovote


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
And then there is also Poland. It's not only Serbia or Romania.

Btw, you are underestimating Hurricane's result in 2021 televote.

Hurricane had better televote than Sweden, 82 pts compared to 63. Sweden ended up only one position ahead (14th) thanks to the juries. Structure of televote for Serbia included only 3 ex Yu country. So it wasn't "local".

Plus you can't really say that Polish, Romanian and Serbian entries this year are "local" or have a Balkan appeal. They are greatly recieved everywhere, Poland is a favorite from the get-go.

As I said, don't overestimate potential televote for Sweden. She certainly was not a winner with televote in Semi 2. She has also dropped with the bookies next day.

I am sorry that some of you take it personally. It is a great song really for me and Sweden can be proud of it, but I think that recent trends online obviously show she's not a potential televote winner.

I certainly didn't take it personally, maybe some others might have. Talking pure analysis :)
My point was more about not overestimating youtube views importance. 82 televote points for Hurricane was pretty decent, but I would have still expected way more based on their yt views at that time, something like 150-200.
I agree there are bigger televote magnets - Ukraine, Serbia, Norway, UK, Moldova, possibly even Greece, Italy and France... however I wouldn't compare Cornelia with Tusse. At absolute worst, she's pulling a John Lundvik and getting something like 100 televote points.


February 28, 2018
Next to a few others (Serbia, Finland, Czech Republic) I am wishing the best for Cornelia tonight. Hope she does well - wouldn't mind her winning at all. First time in years I am rooting for Sweden with all my heart!


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
After all the problems during the rehearsals, I am glad she managed to shine when it actually mattered the most. She was outstanding.

I still don't see her as the overall winner, but it would be a good winner if it does happen for sure.
April 10, 2021
I certainly didn't take it personally, maybe some others might have. Talking pure analysis :)
My point was more about not overestimating youtube views importance. 82 televote points for Hurricane was pretty decent, but I would have still expected way more based on their yt views at that time, something like 150-200.
I agree there are bigger televote magnets - Ukraine, Serbia, Norway, UK, Moldova, possibly even Greece, Italy and France... however I wouldn't compare Cornelia with Tusse. At absolute worst, she's pulling a John Lundvik and getting something like 100 televote points.

I know you didn't, remember you as being kind and normal always (unlike some 😁).

IMO YT views of the semi's acts are a good indicator.

e.g. low numbers for Azeri and Australian show they were juries' favs. Just as the lowest numbers for Switzerland and Iceland in semi 1 show they went through due to the juries.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, we'll find out in the coming hours.


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
I think that Cornelia has just broken the record for most jury 12 points in a semi final, she got 16 sets of 12 points - every single country except Macedonia, Spain, Germany and Belgium. That's insane, even Salvador and Kristian only got 7 and 10 respectively.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
Well done Cornelia. It did feel destined to come very close to the win. I'd take this over Spain, but 4th ain't bad


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Theres 0 Hype here. Where are all the Swedes?


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
Ukraine has more victories in less than 20 years now. And there is a bottomless abundance of talent and creativity in the Ukraine, that is just not there in Sweden with their bloated elimination cycles, or anywhere else. However Sweden wants to win so badly like no other. Every season sounds the same and then they come up with Undo 2.0. Sanna’s song sounded already old back then, so Cornelia’s song is neither retro nor modern, just outdated and bland. The staging was an absolute non event with the green circle. Didn’t work metaphorically nor visually.


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
This was another mediocre, boring, effortless Swedish entry, with a poor staging. I don’t think I will ever understand all the hype Swedish manufactured entries get among not only the fandom but the juries… especially Finnish jurors.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
Lmao did they forget the mic stand in the jury show or

Italy really was more of a mess than I thought


December 23, 2018
I think that Cornelia has just broken the record for most jury 12 points in a semi final, she got 16 sets of 12 points - every single country except Macedonia, Spain, Germany and Belgium. That's insane, even Salvador and Kristian only got 7 and 10 respectively.

Incredibly huge! Didn´t expect her to receive so many 12´s!!!
When I watched the second semi performance, I thought that it was giving me winner vibes and I also voted for her but strangely, I was missing these vibes when I saw it on the final (and voted for :uk: massively and 4 times for :ua: instead - my votes for Ochman also increased - and I still threw a few votes at Finland - but my personal "winner" [:se:] ended up being #5 for me or even #6 because I was blown away by Chanel :es: as well].

A great entry, for sure - but #4 feels about right - still an incredible result! ;) congrats, :se:
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