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Estonia ESTONIA 2022 - Stefan - Hope

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September 28, 2009

We let them tell us what to do
Why why why
We live to die for worthy things
Oh ya ya ya

We promised we would never lose our pride
Your word's worth nothing if you lie
We're standing tall and looking up, our Father would be proud
And I'm happy to be working my own ground

We'll be the last ones breathing here

Hey, sing your heart out boy
For all the people great and small
Oh, when all else is lost
The future still remains our own

We're taught that we were born to lose
But why why why
Don't waste your breath, it's time to choose
Oh ya ya ya

We promised we would never lose our pride
Your word's worth nothing if you lie
We're standing tall and looking up, our Father would be proud
And I'm happy to be working my own ground

I said
Hey, sing your heart out boy
For all the people great and small
Oh, when all else is lost
The future still remains our own

I hope

We let them tell us what to do
Why why why
We live to die for worthy things
Oh ya ya ya

No matter what they try, tearing up our lives
I know we will always rise

I said
Hey, sing your heart out boy
For all the people great and small
Oh, when all else is lost
The future still remains our own

I hope

The future still remains our own

I hope


April 25, 2012
I am listening to Eesti Laul songs for the first time

Elina Nechayeva - I swear I knew Sven Lohmus wrote this, especially because of the crooked English lyrics. Who else could it be with 'That's all what matters' :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Remedy is such a letdown, especially considering what she has achieved with La Forza and la voce dell'alba. Please ditch this and come back stronger sis. You are more than this.
Stefan - I think this is what straight men used to listen 10 years back, even they carried on. Stefan? What are you doing in 2022? It sounds like his previous entry Laura, but 10 times more boring and uninteresting.
Elysa - 'Raylee-Wild' vibes, but a bit weaker in comparison. Still my favorite among the candidates, but direly needs a revamp. However, Estonia usually doesn't go for a revamp?
Maian - I really like it, but this genre is so unusual for Eurovision and it's very difficult to stage this. I think this song is meant to be streamed on online platforms, not to be performed live.
Sahlene - This is too cheesy even for me. IMAGINE!
Merilin Malk - This one sounds most Eurovision-ready and it's catchy, can be staged well. I wouldn't mind her winning.

I didn't have time to listen to the others. One thing is for sure: Tallinn 2023 sadly ain't happening. :/


Well-known member
October 5, 2009
Just fell down the Eesti Laul rabbit hole. I ended up watching a recap with all the songs before realizing the quarter finals had already happened. Thankfully all the songs I really liked from the recap managed to qualify.

I think my favourites are Waterfall, Mis nüüd saab, Remedy, Little Girl, Golden Shores and Sandra.

Does anyone get "Love Shine a Light" vibes from Waterfall or is it just me? It's kind of an endearing song. Not sure if it would do much at Eurovision though, I think it could certainly stand out though.
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Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
By the way, my top 20:

1 - Merilin Mälk - Little Girl 10/10
2 - Elina Nechayeva - Remedy 10/10
3 - Maian - Meeletu 9/10
4 - Frants Tikerpuu & Triin Niitoja - Laululind 8/10
5 - Púrr Mudd & Shira - Golden Shores 8/10
6 - Andrei Zevakin feat. Grete Paia - Mis Nüüd Saab 7/10
7 - Ott Lepland - Aovalguses 7/10
8 - Jyrise - Plaksuta 7/10
9 - Jaagup Tuisk - Kui vaid 6/10
10 - Stefan - Hope 6/10
11 - Kaia Liisa-Kesler - Vaikus 6/10
12 - Boamadu - Mitte Kauaks 5/10
13 - Helen - Vata Minu Poole 5/10
14 - Alabama Watchdog - Move On 5/10
15 - Black Velvet - Sandra 5/10
16 - Stig Rästa - Interstellar 5/10
17 - Minimal Wind feat. Elisabeth Tiffany - What to make of this 4/10
18 - Elysa - Fire 4/10
19 - Evelin Samuel - Waterfall 2/10
20 - Anna Sahlene - Champion 0/10 (I respect Anna as an artist, but this song is 🤢🤢🤢 unfortunately)


March 13, 2018
Elysa's song has nice verses but has a fairly terrible chorus. I love her voice though.
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Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
amen xbow

have we not suffered enough through 'a storm like this can break a man like this'
Jesus God no please those lightning effects i still can't #justiceforoto

stig is selling NFTs to help him win eesti laul btw 😭
Jesus Christ not only was he not satisfied with competing with a beige mor Louis Tomlinson track he is also destroying the environment!!!!! Macedonian JESC group pls do your job


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.

Yep Stig actually has a whole power point presentation and dropbox and as @alyrin said he's accepting NFT money. Mart Normet is the producer of Interstellar.

Cackling so damn hard xheart

he is of course NEVER winning Eesti Laul in a million years because (1) Interstellar sounds like a One Direction B-side and Stig is a forty year old man (2) Stig is a mediocre vocalist in a field that has Elina Nechayeva and Ott Lepland in it, amongst others.

ftr, I think Stefan has this, which is an acceptable winner. Ideally Merilin wins this but lol Estonia picking the right act when there is so much Famous Person bait, never ain't gonna happen.


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
Difficult selection. Pleasant songs that all lack a winning punch. I probably like Elina and Jaguup the most


Well-known member
December 28, 2021
I listened to all 20 of them and here's my two cents.

They come in no particular order. I actually copied the list from post before, so shout out to @Ajeje Brazorf . My fingers thank you 🤗

1. Merilin Mälk - Little Girl
Like it. Nice pop song that's easy on the ear. One of the favourites. Top 5

2 - Elina Nechayeva - Remedy
Music is boring. Lyrics are bad.

3 - Maian - Meeletu
I like it, very much. Great. I hope with all my heart that random Spanish lyrics make sense when you can actually understand the rest of it. Top 5, possibly Number 1.

4 - Frants Tikerpuu & Triin Niitoja - Laululind
I don't know know. Maybe it's one of those songs that you have to understand the lyrics to appreciate it. It really does nothing for me.

5 - Púrr Mudd & Shira - Golden Shores
Like it. Top 5

6 - Andrei Zevakin feat. Grete Paia - Mis Nüüd Saab
Inoffensive, but also kinda dull.

7 - Ott Lepland - Aovalguses
Of all of them slow songs, I like this one the most. I also think I would love it if I actually understood the lyrics. Not that I think it should be sang in English, definitely not. It would lost a lot of it's appeal, but yeah... I kinda miss something this way.

8 - Jyrise - Plaksuta
Ok. This is not as bad. I got a feeling from a snippet it's one of those "I'm so quirky" songs, but it's not that annoying when you actually listen to the whole thing. I kinda like it. Maybe sometimes I still want to punch him in the face just a little bit, but the fella is going to my Top 5.

9 - Jaagup Tuisk - Kui vaid
Not bad, but I have to say... if I heard it for the first and only time during the competition I wouldn't care for it at all. I would probably forget all about it before the beginning of the next song.

10 - Stefan - Hope
Oh, this one. So torn, so torn. I'm a sucker for country sound, but it just sounds a bit much like the brother finally responded, if you know what I mean.
But, screw it. I like it.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly to the TOP 5.

11 - Kaia Liisa-Kesler - Vaikus
This oneeeeeeeeeee hjknjjkl. Sorry, I felt asleep listening.

12 - Boamadu - Mitte Kauaks
Just No.

13 - Helen - Vata Minu Poole
I don't know what to say about this one. I don't like it. Why, I don't know. I don't hate it, but I most definitely do not like it.

14 - Alabama Watchdog - Move On
I maybe like it at some moments, but the chorus is just so corny.

15 - Black Velvet - Sandra
80's song dedicated to the most 80's name ever (at least in my part of woods). Nice. Shout out to all Sandras out there!

16 - Stig Rästa - Interstellar
I don't know who wrote the lyrics, but they should probably stick to Estonian language. If it's a native English speaker, then, oh well, I'm without words.

"And I got my heartbeat outside my body
And I see my soul as I'm floating in space" Really, Mr Songwriter?! You're going to make someone sing this unsingable word salad?

17 - Minimal Wind feat. Elisabeth Tiffany
Yeah, snoozefest that tries to be edgy and moody.

18 - Elysa - Fire
Ok. I hate this. It sounds cheap. Dated. No.

19 - Evelin Samuel - Waterfall
Please make it stop.

20 - Anna Sahlene - Champion
And we got a winner of Cornfest 2022. I award this song 3 corns 🌽🌽🌽 and five pieces of cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀
I don't think I cringed that hard since Dora 2021 and "Let's share love".

So, to summarize my TOP 5 are Merilin, Main, Purr and Shira, Jyrise and Stefan.
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Well-known member
April 24, 2015
Jaguup and Stefan are still my favourites. They could both get a top 10 result at Eurovision.
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