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Recent content by Morpheus


    Mikä meno? :unsure: Vähän jääny ny levy päälle.
  2. Finland FINLAND 2022 - The Rasmus - Jezebel

    Yes! Exactly what's been going through my mind. Have these people ever HEARD The Rasmus? We need to turn up the volume on your post for the people in the back.
  3. The Netherlands NETHERLANDS 2021 - Jeangu Macrooy - Birth of a New Age

    This may come as a shock, but: I like this song. Don't ask me to quantify it, just let me like it.
  4. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    This is just a bad year for me. xviolin I'm hoping live performances of a few songs will change my mind. I always enjoy the live versions more anyway. But... Whatever my opinions are, I'm just some anonymous person on a forum. Who cares what I think? Most of the time I don't care what I think.
  5. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    Or honest. Nothing has wowed me. I don't want to lie just to fit in.
  6. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    Okay, I gave it a listen. It's not as noisy or artsy as people were claiming. It was ok. Much nicer than San Marino. It reminded me of that Katy Perry song, whatsitsface... Dark Horse? Just with less melody. Oh, gave it a :4: That's the second highest rating I've given this season!
  7. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    Wow. Are you guys sure it was THAT epic? The hysteria reminds me of the crying and fainting fangirls of The Beatles. The all caps screaming seems a little...much?
  8. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    I have NASA on the phone, and their satellites are ready for tonight's record breaker. Stand by.
  9. Latvia LATVIA 2021 - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising

    This is your captain speaking. Please, make sure you've secured your wigs properly. We don't want another San Marino incident. Thank you for flying high as a kite.
  10. Georgia GEORGIA 2021 - Tornike Kipiani - You

    They're just begging for a leak.
  11. Poland POLAND 2021 - RAFAŁ - The Ride

    Wait! I didn't watch the video so maybe I missed something, but wasn't there talk of Polish accents or features or something?
  12. Belarus BELARUS 2021 - not taking part

    Big North Korean Pink Lady energy.
  13. Belarus BELARUS 2021 - not taking part

    Well done EBU! Although it kind of made me roll my eyes when they said: "In addition, recent reactions to the proposed entry risk bringing the reputation of the ESC into disrepute." Which I translated to "Oh noes, they hate this entry, and if we don't hate it too, we're gonna look so bad, you...
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