the splitters

We’re continuing our journey to Dora 2024. The next artists who spoke to us are The Splitters! Hello The Splitters, thank you for accepting our invitation to talk to us and present yourself to our readers on ESCUnited. Welcome!

You are a familiar face to our readers as you participated in Dora already, but let’s start from the beginning. Could you tell us more about how the band was formed and who is currently in the band?

We formed a long time ago – we were school friends and neighbors. So, from a very young age, we started playing together when we were gathering around. This is how the band was formed – two pairs of brothers and some fun! Currently, in the band we have Josip Senta (vocal and bass guitar), Petar Senta (rhythm guitar), Marko Komić (solo guitar), and Antonio Komić (drums).

This is your second consecutive appearance on Dora, congratulations! Last year you participated with the song “Lost and Found” and finished in high 4th place. What are the biggest takeaways from that experience? What, if anything, you will do differently this year?

We had a beautiful experience with Dora last year. The biggest takeaway would be a little “push” in the music industry that we got after it.
This year, a lot of it is different. We are participating with our own song, not somebody else’s, the song is Croatian and our stage presence will be much different!

the splitters

I’m sure our readers would like to know you a bit better. What would be one “crazy” thing you have done in the past and what is your main goal for 2024?

Something “crazy” happens to us all the time. We are all over the place, still young, and love to go outside of the box. Maybe the craziest thing was the police coming to our concert to get us off stage during the pandemics because we were promoting our album called “Izvedi me van” which means “Take me out”. We thought people were too much on their phones and we wanted to make a concert, and because of the album name police got it wrong and they thought we were joking.

Let’s get back to Dora 2024. Can you tell us more about the writing process of your entry “Od Kad Te Sanjam”? What is the message of the song?

Petar and I (Josip) wrote the song together. It was a very quick process. It just came out of us! The message would be to do the things that you love and be with people that you love. Dream about a brighter future and it will happen!

Dora is just around the corner. You must have seen and heard the feedback from Eurovision fans by now. How do you feel about the reception “Od Kad Te Sanjam” got in the few weeks since it was released?

The feedback we are receiving is really good. Both from the critics and from the fans.

If you were given only one sentence to describe your performance on Dora this year without giving away any details, what would you say? Give us a tease of what we can expect.

Vegas dream show!

Every year, there are at least a few bands on the Eurovision stage. Can you tell us a few that stand out as your favorites and what you like about them?

One band from Eurovision that will always stand out for us is Maneskin. Of course, we cannot forget about old bands like ABBA…

Surely you don’t spend all of your time on music, how do each of you spend your free time? Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share with our readers?

Actually, you may not believe it but we really do spend most of our free time on music. If not writing and playing, then definitely listening!

Before wrapping up the interview, I’m sure among our readers there are people who love your entry. Tell us where they can find more of your music and what social media do you use.

We mostly use Instagram and YouTube. We have our YT channel “The Splitters” where you can find all of our albums and songs.

In conclusion, do you have any final messages for the readers of ESCUnited?

We hope you will like our entry this year! Stay positive, stay happy, and be in love!

Thank you so much The Splitters and we wish you the best of luck in Dora 2024! 

If #YOU want to support The Splitters’ pathway to Eurovision 2024 make sure you tune in to the Dora second semi-final show on February 23rd and vote!

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