Home Countries (page 12)


OGAE Results So Far – Denmark Lead

The first OGAE results have recently been published, from the first 13 associations. With not many surprises. The top ten are as follows: Denmark 124 pts. San Marino 87 pts. Norway 75 pts. Germany 69 pts. Italy 64 pts. United Kingdom 59 pts. Netherlands 53 pts. Sweden 45 pts. Ukraine 34 pts. Russia 33 pts. Denmark, of course, the favourite, …

Hungary – Listen to the songs Part 2

The Hungarian broadcaster MTV has released all 30 songs and for your convenience, we have them all ready for your viewing (and listening) pleasure. “A Dal” Finale will take place on March 2nd. The 30 songs will divided into three group and 6 songs from each group will move on to the Semi Finals. Click here to listen to the …

Interview with Anton Malmberg Hård (composer of Melodifestivalen 2013 entries “Begging” and “Heaertstrings”)

    We at OGAE RoW were lucky enough to interview Anton Malmberg Hård, composer of Melodifestivalen 2013 entries “Begging” (Anton Ewald) and “Heaertstrings” (Janet Leon).  These two entries have been considered early favorites to making it to the finals!   OGAE: Hello Anton.  First off, congratulations of having not one, but two songs make it to Melodifestivalen 2013! How …

Albania 2013 – Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko – Identitet

So, after we know a few entries already, tonight Albania decided who will represent this country on the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 which will be held in Malmö. After Rona Nishliu and Suus who finished on amazing 5th place (what is the best Albanian result on Eurovision since their debut on the Eurovision Song Contest 2004), tonight Albanian jury decided …

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