There has been lots of requests all around on different sites querying would the Irish song selection process be changed for 2014? Today it was announced by Michael Kealy (RTEs Head of Delegation at Eurovision) that RTE were looking at all possible options for the 2014 Eurosong.
Meetings have been taking place between Mr Kealy and the new Head of TV Entertainment, John McHugh. They have been reviewing the findings from the National Broadcaster Meeting that took place in Berlin. From looking at these findings they will consider a number of options.
A number of things could possibly be changed, these range from the way the current mentor system is run to the return of a standalone Eurosong final. Whatever the outcome, we will be sure to bring you the most up to date information about the Irish Eurosong 2014.
You can view the article on about the National Broadcaster Meeting Here

For the last 4 years Ireland has been more successful than it had been the few years previous. Starting with Niamh Kavanagh in 2010 where she qualified from the semi-final and finished 23rd in the final. Jedward in 2011 where they qualified from the semi-final and finished 8th, Jedward represented Ireland again in 2012 and again qualified from the semi-final and finished 19th in the final and finally Ryan Dolan in 2013 who qualified from the semi-final and finished 26th in the final.
What are you thoughts, Should Ireland change the way they select there entry or should they just leave it the way it is? Share your thoughts below and join our Forum to discuss this with hundreds of Eurovision fans from around the world.
Roy van der Merwe
September 17, 2013 at 07:14
Ireland strong points are good voices, so they should focus on getting someone with a great voic to reprsent them in Copenhagen