On March 4th Germany will select their Eurovision 2022 artist using the national final Germany 12 Points. In between YouTube videos and rehearsals we were able to interview Felicia Lu and learn more about her song “Anxiety”, it’s last minute music video, and discovered her love of DIY! Read more about Felicia Lu below:

Hello Felicia, thank you for agreeing to interview with us today! Why don’t you introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a bit about yourself?

Ello! I’m Felicia Lu, a 26-year old singer and songwriter from Germany, now living in Vienna and I am happy to be one of the six contestants for the German Preliminary for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022.

Many artists seem to have very specific things that inspire their music like nature, emotion, current events, etc. What do you draw inspiration from as a musician?

I’d say life itself. My songs are very autobiographic and I tend to use it as some kind of therapy. As I am struggling with social anxiety a lot, expressing myself has always been a huge difficulty for me. Music helps me express my thoughts and feelings and cope and understand my life.

What is one thing that our readers might be surprised to know about you? Like something they wouldn’t be able to find on the internet or on your social media?

I love building / creating things. I built my dining table and I like to be crafty and create things for my flat.

Obviously, the reason we are chatting is because you are participating in the German selection Germany 12 Points. What motivated you to submit an entry this year?

Eurovision has always been like THE event of the year for me. As an artist, the thought of standing on that stage myself is just mind-blowing so I didn’t have to think twice when I read about the open casting call and sent my song straight away.

And this is your second time in the German selection since you participated back in 2017. What did you learn from your first participation that you plan to do differently this year?

Well, I definitely grew up a little, got to know myself more and especially my music and what genre I fit into. This year in general feels a lot different compared to back then, as I’m able to compete with my own song. I am just really happy to be competing with my message and am able to represent myself authentically.

I noticed that on your YouTube channel you covered all the other songs in the pre-selection, which song was your favorite to cover?

I did indeed! It’s really hard to chose a favourite though, I loved making them all my own and turn them more into dark-pop covers, the biggest difference is probably noticeable with Eros’ alive.

Let’s talk about your song, as I know you co-wrote it with Daniel Weisz. What was the songwriting process like for “Anxiety”? Can you tell us a little bit more about the message behind the song itself?

I was at the studio with my producer Dany working on a complete different song back in October. I was having some kind of writers block and we started something from scratch spontaneously – that’s when Anxiety was born. It was actually written quite quickly, as the message is so personal and important to me it basically came out of me like a waterfall. Having known Dany for a while now, he completely understood where I wanted the song to go production wise, so I put together my words and created the most personal song I’ve written so far.

Now I have to ask you about your music video for “Anxiety” because you produced the entire thing at home by yourself due to quarantine. How did you come up with the storyline for the video? Do you have a favorite part of the music video?

I wouldn’t say that there is an actual storyline haha. We had this big video planned, but as I had to quarantine I simply had to come up with something else, went on the internet and ordered a bunch of stuff ( like the red balloons and the googly eyes) that I thought would look interesting. I tried to create
the feeling of anxiety a bit we were all experiencing while being on lockdown, the feeling of slowly turning crazy being stuck at home. I was really anxious at first competing with this video, as all the others have super professional videos that were created with a huge team and there was me alone in my living room shooting at 3am, but frankly I feel the video fits the song and message quite well and I am quite happy with it now.

Given that your song is slighlty “dark” in topic but also full of energy, I’m curious to know what you might have planned for the staging concept. Are there any hints you want to drop ahead of your performance?

Even though the song is called Anxiety, it surely isn’t a “boho I’m so sad” kinda song. The energy will definitely be represented on stage, I’m gonna have the same attitude on stage as I have in the video, however don’t expect a toilet or red balloons on there haha. The performance is going to be fitting to the song. However, I will sing it a bit differently to make it more a fitting Eurovision live performance. Just know, that I’m working really hard on it and I hope you’ll be happy with the outcome.

Of course, I have to ask you about Eurovision as well! Do you consider yourself to be a big fan of ESC? If so, what are some of your favorite parts about the contest?

Oh for sure!! I wouldn’t go as far to name myself a superfan – not worthy of that, since I don’t have that specific in-depth knowledge, but I’m definitely a fan. Each year I find at least 5 song that I love and put into my own playlist. Some of my all-time faves def. were Think About Things, 10 Years, Friend of a friend, Rhythm Inside, but I could go on for hours haha.

For those who want to connect with you ahead of or after Germany 12 Points, where can they find you and your music?

Basically everywhere, especially during the process I’m being really active on my youtube channel to give some insight in what’s happening, but I will be releasing A LOT of new music this year – so you better check out my spotify / apple music or wherever you like to listen to music to and stay connected with me via Instagram.

Finally, do you have a final message you’d like to share with our readers?

I think the most important message I can spread is that it’s okay to be struggling, we all are, the last two years have been super harsh on all of us, but we’re in this together and we’re gonna make it out of anything together. I am here to spread love and hope my music is something that can help you at times.

Well Felicia, I want to thank you again for your time and we wish you all the best in Germany 12 Points this year!

Thank you deeply! I’ll give it my best! <3

What do #YOU think Felicia’s song “Anxiety”? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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