We asked #YOU to vote for your prediction of tonight’s top five, and the results are now in!

By quite a margin, we both agreed on the top 2; Finland‘s Käärijä in first with “Cha Cha Cha” and Sweden‘s Loreen in second with “Tattoo”. Will this be the top two tonight?

In third, Israel‘s Noa Kirel is backed to finish third and earn their best result since their 2018 victory. France‘s La Zarra and Spain‘s Blanca Paloma are tipped by our readers and viewers to complete the top five.

At the bottom, Lithuania, Serbia, Estonia, Poland and Albania are tipped by our readers to finish in the bottom five.

The full ranking is as follows;

  1. 🇫🇮 Finland (336 votes)
  2. 🇸🇪 Sweden (316 votes)
  3. 🇮🇱 Israel (191 votes)
  4. 🇫🇷 France (156 votes)
  5. 🇪🇸 Spain (134 votes)
  6. 🇳🇴 Norway (114 votes)
  7. 🇺🇦 Ukraine (89 votes)
  8. 🇮🇹 Italy (72 votes)
  9. 🇦🇹 Austria (58 votes)
  10. 🇦🇺 Australia (52 votes)
  11. 🇭🇷 Croatia (48 votes)
  12. 🇦🇲 Armenia (44 votes)
  13. 🇸🇮 Slovenia (35 votes)
  14. 🇩🇪 Germany (34 votes)
  15. 🇨🇿 Czechia (33 votes)
  16. 🇧🇪 Belgium (33 votes)
  17. 🇨🇾 Cyprus (24 votes)
  18. 🇵🇹 Portugal (19 votes)
  19. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (15 votes)
  20. 🇨🇭 Switzerland (12 votes)
  21. 🇲🇩 Moldova (11 votes)
  22. 🇱🇹 Lithuania (11 votes)
  23. 🇷🇸 Serbia (10 votes)
  24. 🇪🇪 Estonia (10 votes)
  25. 🇵🇱 Poland (7 votes)
  26. 🇦🇱 Albania (5 votes)

Meanwhile, our team have also predicted their rankings for tonight, and our full rankings can be found in the video below. Can’t wait that long? Scroll down below to see our full ranking…


Still with us? Good!

So the team disagrees with the winner, with Team United in Liverpool selecting Sweden narrowly as the winner ahead of Finland. This time, Blanca Paloma of Spain takes the bronze medal, ahead of Australia‘s Voyager and Norway‘s Alessandra completing the top five.

The bottom five with our team is expected to be Moldova, Portugal, Albania, Switzerland and Poland.

Our full ranking is as follows;

  1. 🇸🇪 Sweden (avg. rank 1.33)
  2. 🇫🇮 Finland (avg. rank 1.67)
  3. 🇪🇸 Spain (avg. rank 5.83)
  4. 🇦🇺 Australia (avg. rank 7.67)
  5. 🇳🇴 Norway (avg. rank 8.17)
  6. 🇸🇮 Slovenia (avg. rank 8.33)
  7. 🇮🇱 Israel (avg. rank 9.17)
  8. 🇦🇲 Armenia (avg. rank 10)
  9. 🇫🇷 France (avg. rank 10.5)
  10. 🇮🇹 Italy (avg. rank 10.83)
  11. 🇺🇦 Ukraine (avg. rank 11.33)
  12. 🇭🇷 Croatia (avg. rank 12.17)
  13. 🇧🇪 Belgium (avg. rank 13.17)
  14. 🇱🇹 Lithuania (avg. rank 13.5)
  15. 🇦🇹 Austria (avg. rank 13.67)
  16. 🇩🇪 Germany (avg. rank 15)
  17. 🇨🇾 Cyprus (avg. rank 15.67)
  18. 🇨🇿 Czechia (avg. rank 16)
  19. 🇪🇪 Estonia (avg. rank 17.67)
  20. 🇷🇸 Serbia (avg. rank 19.67)
  21. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (avg. rank 20)
  22. 🇲🇩 Moldova (avg. rank 20)
  23. 🇵🇹 Portugal (avg. rank 21)
  24. 🇦🇱 Albania (avg. rank 21.17)
  25. 🇨🇭 Switzerland (avg. rank 23.5)
  26. 🇵🇱 Poland (avg. rank 24)

Do #YOU agree with the predicted rankings? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!

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