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Ukraine UKRAINE 2022 - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania

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September 28, 2009


Стефанія мамо мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово

Вона мене колисала дала мені ритм і напевне силу волі не забрати в мене, бо дала вона
Напевне знала може більше і від Соломона
Ламаними дорогами прийду я завжди до тебе
Вона не розбудить, не будить, мене в сильні бурі
Забере в бабулі дві дулі, ніби вони кулі
Дуже добре знала мене не була обманута, як була дуже втомлена, гойдала мене в такт
Люлі люлі люлі...

Стефанія мамо мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово

Я не в пеленах но ма но ма, хватить, як би я не виріс на виріст за речі платить
Я не мала дитина, вона далі нерви тратить, я гуляв, шляк би тебе трафив
Ти все молода о мамо на піку, якщо не ціню опіку на піку слави мені в тупику
Забивайте піку цю піку, я би попік спік, своєю любов'ю
Люлі люлі люлі...

Стефанія мамо мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово

Стефанія мамо мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені мамо колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово​
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Well-known member
May 8, 2011
Very curious to see what happens with Vidbir next year. With Italy winning and Go_A doing so well, I think the reputation of ESC should be pretty high. I can see some "serious" names giving it a shot.

Tayanna is an obvious candidate. I struggle to imagine what she could come up with though. Her recent music has been kinda meh. Plus with Badoev involved, there's always a chance for overdoing everything.

I wonder if Pyvovarov would consider it? He had a breakthrough in 2020. Can he produce something as good as Dejavu? He tried with Rendezvous but it's a poor imitation, imo. Still, I think he has a lot of potential if he tries.

Alina Pasha is another newer act whom I can see giving it a go. Her stuff is somewhere between Shum and Russian Woman, so it could work.

Speaking off, I wonder if alyona alyona has any interest. Conventional wisdom says she'd flop as rap hasn't had success at ESC. But ESC can be very unpredictable. If she can come up with a catchy chorus, she could happen. I can't say I'm a huge fan but people always comment on her on-stage energy.

And if we're talking rap, Kalush of course had a breakthrough year in 2020 as well. His songs can be very catchy, but I think he's a less promising candidate than alyona alyona on ESC. He doesn't have the surprise or the social element, plus I don't know about his live.

For something more out of left field, what about DakhaBrakha? Again with Go_A's success, they might consider it. Would be risky but potentially very rewarding. But maybe heavy etno for Ukraine again is not a good idea.

I don't want The Hardkiss. Not in 2022. I suspect we'll see a few "rock" entries, so I don't want anyone to think THK are being derivative.

That also eliminates other rockish bands like Anytila and Bez Obmezhen. Not that they have any interest, but we need to stay away from this genre for a couple years.

I think Kazka should stay away too. Love their music but she's a terrible live performer. Their authors should write a song for someone more competent.

I'm sure we'll see some recent talent show contestants go for it. But for one, most of them don't have much material to go by. And for two, we gotta be careful about newbies. We don't need a Roxane situation.


November 15, 2020
Very curious to see what happens with Vidbir next year. With Italy winning and Go_A doing so well, I think the reputation of ESC should be pretty high. I can see some "serious" names giving it a shot.

Tayanna is an obvious candidate. I struggle to imagine what she could come up with though. Her recent music has been kinda meh. Plus with Badoev involved, there's always a chance for overdoing everything.

I wonder if Pyvovarov would consider it? He had a breakthrough in 2020. Can he produce something as good as Dejavu? He tried with Rendezvous but it's a poor imitation, imo. Still, I think he has a lot of potential if he tries.

Alina Pasha is another newer act whom I can see giving it a go. Her stuff is somewhere between Shum and Russian Woman, so it could work.

Speaking off, I wonder if alyona alyona has any interest. Conventional wisdom says she'd flop as rap hasn't had success at ESC. But ESC can be very unpredictable. If she can come up with a catchy chorus, she could happen. I can't say I'm a huge fan but people always comment on her on-stage energy.

And if we're talking rap, Kalush of course had a breakthrough year in 2020 as well. His songs can be very catchy, but I think he's a less promising candidate than alyona alyona on ESC. He doesn't have the surprise or the social element, plus I don't know about his live.

For something more out of left field, what about DakhaBrakha? Again with Go_A's success, they might consider it. Would be risky but potentially very rewarding. But maybe heavy etno for Ukraine again is not a good idea.

I don't want The Hardkiss. Not in 2022. I suspect we'll see a few "rock" entries, so I don't want anyone to think THK are being derivative.

That also eliminates other rockish bands like Anytila and Bez Obmezhen. Not that they have any interest, but we need to stay away from this genre for a couple years.

I think Kazka should stay away too. Love their music but she's a terrible live performer. Their authors should write a song for someone more competent.

I'm sure we'll see some recent talent show contestants go for it. But for one, most of them don't have much material to go by. And for two, we gotta be careful about newbies. We don't need a Roxane situation.

Tayanna is surely going to apply.

Max Barskih as well... and will probably win considering how big he is.

Kazaky may also do it since they liked a lot of the comments on their music video saying that they should go to esc and even responded to some of them with: ;)


Well-known member
February 25, 2011
Ukraine´s NF always had great songs, just wishing for Vidibr without drama in 2022


December 23, 2018
Khayat, please.

Just internally select him and let him perform 3 to 5 of his songs in Ukrainian in Vidbir and you will get another Top 10 result. Just saying.

All his releases since his debut are amazing. One of the best "new" artists out there, imo.


October 1, 2009
I don't want The Hardkiss. Not in 2022. I suspect we'll see a few "rock" entries, so I don't want anyone to think THK are being derivative.
The Hardkiss will give a concert at the Olympic Stadium on June 18, 2022. They will be busy with that.

(They cut the capacity because of COVID).
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Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro
I would prefer 1+1 organizing the NF, but I don't want The Voice offsprings to be favoured...


March 11, 2013
Katya Chilly go to Turin!! xyes


Well-known member
December 27, 2018
kazka pls (i still remember when they revealed the jury points in eesti laul 2020 dddd)


December 28, 2009
kazka pls (i still remember when they revealed the jury points in eesti laul 2020 dddd)

As much as I like Kazka, the juries will kill them because she really struggles to sing live. I actually really like her vocals, but they work only in studio version.

If they can enter another artist but with an entry produced and composed by the same people who does Kazka, that would be an option.


December 28, 2009
Tayanna is surely going to apply.

Max Barskih as well... and will probably win considering how big he is.

Kazaky may also do it since they liked a lot of the comments on their music video saying that they should go to esc and even responded to some of them with: ;)

Tayanna would be my pick out of these, she has the vocals that juries will love in ESC, stage presence that will work with both and most of her Ukrainian-language stuff has been pretty great and 'Lelya' would have been such a great pick for Ukraine had not teenage girls voted for Melovin.

Max Barskih has pretty good productions and I'm sure staging will be great in ESC, he is however a bit vocally weak and he is also way too much involved with Russia.

Kazaky are just kitsch, don't see them as good candidate for Ukraine at all. Their 'shtick' is also old and tired by now.


Well-known member
May 8, 2011
I hated Leyla back then but i really came around on it. I think it would've been a pretty cool entry, assuming they didn't overcook the staging.

But the real missed opportunity came in 2017 with I Love You. :(


December 28, 2009
I hated Leyla back then but i really came around on it. I think it would've been a pretty cool entry, assuming they didn't overcook the staging.

But the real missed opportunity came in 2017 with I Love You. :(

And I hated "I Love You" (and will never come around to like it) :lol:

To me it was just another atypical Eurovision ballad, I'm happy Ukraine didn't go down that route because I was worried with 2011 and it's undeserved success (again thanks to superb Ukrainian staging), that Ukraine would start to play it safe.

I'm all for a Ukrainian ballad though, something like "Za lisamy horamy" would be incredible, that one gives me goosebumps!
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