Mmh, once again, thanks for nothing spotify.
Sigur Ros on 1st position is spot-on, Olafur Arnalds is also rightly in Top 5.. Tiersen is only 8th and Richter only 9th in my rankings of 2018. I can turn a blind eye to this mistake since they are indeed close to my top 5 BUT Susanne Sundfor, as much as I like her, shouldnt be anywhere close to my top 5. She is 19th on How come those differences? I want Axel Flovent to get mentioned here...
My most listened song of 2018 must be my latest WV song "Backwords" which isnt even listed here. Mary, All The Pretty Girls and Lemon Tree are rightly there according to November would be 11th and Mountaineers 28th. But the latter one was one of the best WV songs of this year, so I dont mind too much. Nevertheless it is wrong.
"Indie" by the way is such a pseudo genre... nobody can grasp the meaning or what it is supposed to sound like. I think Spotify calls all alternative music just "Indie". Other favorite genres are Pop, Rock and Classical
Interesting is only the fact my most listened zodiac sign is Sagittarius. It is the zodiac sign of artists like Ludovico Einaudi and Rita Ora, amongst others. And it is also mine
maybe I feel connected to my zodiac mates lol