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France FRANCE 2022 - Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn

How do you rate the entry?

  • 12

    98 45.0%
  • 10

    34 15.6%
  • 8

    27 12.4%
  • 7

    17 7.8%
  • 6

    12 5.5%
  • 5

    14 6.4%
  • 4

    3 1.4%
  • 3

    1 0.5%
  • 2

    3 1.4%
  • 1

    2 0.9%
  • 0

    7 3.2%

  • Total voters


September 28, 2009


Tan de'i !

E teñvalijenn ar c'hoadeier e tiwan an noz
Ar stered a deu war-wel en hiboud direpoz
Ur skeud benel a droidell ouzh skleurenn ur flamboz

Oc’h ober fae deus ar fall loened e tañsan
Me bak an tan en o lagad leun a droukc'hoant
Ha da dreiñ 'n'añ en ur c'han da gan' a-unvan
Dañsal a ra gant an diaoul ha para ?
Dañsal a ran gant an diaoul ha para ?

Entan ha taras, entan jabadao ha taras
Trid' a ra ar c’hoad ouzh stok' ar fulenn a-bilpaz
He hud dudius a bign betek penn ar qwez bras

Oc'h ober fae deus ar fall loened e tañsan
Me bak an tan en o lagad leun a droukc’hoant
Ha da dreiñ 'n'añ en ur c'han da gan' a-unvan

Dispont 'kreiz an digoadell e tans ar fulenn
Trein ha distreiñ en-dro de'i eneoù dichedenn (bis)

Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo

Dañsal a ran gant an diaoul ha para ?
Ga' 'n diaoul e tañsan
Dañsal a ra gant an diaoul ha para ?
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo
Lalalalalalaleno lalelalo

Dispont 'kreiz an digoadenn e tañs ar fulenn
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Well-known member
March 4, 2022
It really helps me to read your nice words. When I don't like our song I laugh at France finishing bottom 5 but this time... I even cried. I know that it's on a certain extend because I have Breton roots and used to live in Brittany, still have my friends and my heart there so I had too strong hopes. I was so happy that France was sending a song in breton, but also a modern one, for me it just checks everything to love it.

But my taste is not everyone's and I just have to accept it. I think I will stay away from social media because of some comments and I am glad that in here, even people who don't like the song are not insulting and just give their opinion without hate.

I think that my biggest surprise is that we received no votes from countries with celtic roots? I don't say they HAD to vote for France but I expected that in an extend they would be happy to have part of a shared culture showcased.
Tears, for something that should be considered a joy, hurt me more than anything else. I understand the disappointment but you don't have to be sad, Harey. You must be proud of your origins and the French courage to send an ethnic song. Even if "Fulenn" was not understood it cannot be said that it is not a respectable song.

One also grows through these disappointments. UK and Spain after the 2021 disaster produced two great performances. I am sure that in 2023 France will be stronger again.

A hug to you and all the French fans.


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
Well, all that can be said is that the NF was not great and Fullen was the best option and what people wanted to represent us. The delegation made its best to polish it all, but well Alvan and Ahez are not as experienced as the former entrants for us and it wasn't up to the top of scoreboard this year.
Doesn't mean it was bad, it just got lost in the middle !
We'll see what on next year ! :-)


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
France gave me flop vibes from the get-go. I never clicked with this entry. It felt like a lukewarm next single for Shum. And traditionally there is always more than one big 5 country bottoming in the results. France was the only option besides Germany of course.

overall France is doing well recently and they are bound to come back


Well-known member
September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
I admit that the early starting position didn´t help at all and maybe the whole appeareance of the act was a bit too dark and "excotic" for the audience. :(

For me though "Fulenn" will alway be one of my highlights of the ESC 2022 and one of the few tracks I´ll keep on listening afterwards. :)


Well-known member
February 21, 2021
In the swimming pool, always stayin' cool
Wow... 17 little points... i gotta say that i'm quite suprised and disappointed, i expected much, much more than our worst result since 2015...

Alvan & Ahez did their best imo but it wasn't just enough, i guess. The problem is, i'm afraid we're gonna go back to the usual "chanson française" next year. We tried to do something else but it just doesn't click. How sad.
I'm even more afraid for us to behave like after 1991, when we came second with Amina, like "yeah i guess we won in the end", results : two decades of despair. We were in a great dynamics, let's try to keep it.
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Bobjan FR

Well-known member
December 11, 2021
Gosh.... we finish next to germany which was promised to the last place with a package song/performance that was supposed to be able to reach the top 10. I'm so pissed off.

Ok, on the end, we knew we were gonna be lower than expected, but i didn't thought about out of the top 20. My gosh.

I try to find the reasons. For the public vote, i think this terrible running order with all the favourites uptempos -except one- in first half made us totally disappear, and the fact Ukraine and Moldova were going to take almost everything (Ukraine because of what we know, Moldova because they got the best placement ever) reduces the possibilities to count on the public vote anyway. We could guess the public vote was going to be a flop because of this...

...Now the juries. We got tons of last places in their rankings. So, it seems they didn't wanted it ? I read on french forums people saying that unfortunately, people expect from France something that remind France, like Barbara Pravi, and not something alternative like that. I really don't like this, i never loved so much en french ESC entry like Fulenn, but because of the image people have of France, we could not send something like this.... (i don't say it's the truth, but it looks like)

The only critic i could give about our performance is that the camera moves were a bit shaky, but i don't think it would have change anything.


April 25, 2012
Biggest shock of the night. It was such a 2nd half song, sadly the running order didn't help it, especially performing before Norway.....
I hope this doesn't discourage France from sending daring entries, you can be totally proud of your entry.

I personally believe this was miles better than Voila.


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
...Now the juries. We got tons of last places in their rankings. So, it seems they didn't wanted it ? I read on french forums people saying that unfortunately, people expect from France something that remind France, like Barbara Pravi, and not something alternative like that. I really don't like this, i never loved so much en french ESC entry like Fulenn, but because of the image people have of France, we could not send something like this.... (i don't say it's the truth, but it looks like)
It's in cases like this that I want to join the No Jury squad :lol:
I didn't see the full results but last places ? Seriously ? I didn't necessarily expect Top10 but more appreciation wouldn't have hurt.

For real though, I seriously hope they didn't tank this because it wasn't "French enough" for them. As competent as Barbara was, Voilà was full of clichés more than anything else. French music is fortunately way more diverse, and Fulenn while not typical fits well in our country's line up.


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
France just had to reimagine the staging. What worked on a smaller stage didn't translate to a bigger stage. It looked like some professionals tried to pimp an amateurish effort, probably because that is exactly what happened.

You have all these options to work with. Think about what your song is supposed to feel like for the audience. This song is an incantation. It's not a dude with drums and a guitar looking angrily in the camera. It's not a bunch of young girls trying to look tough pretending to be witches. No. The dude should be looking like a proper a druid at the very least. The girls should really look like witches. The incantation needs a focal point. You are given this sun, use it. Or maybe put a big prop in the center, make it feel as if you are in a giant ruin with the girls forming this large triangle around the prop in the middle and then have the graphics on the floor do all sorts of hexagrams. Go bananas.

Song was fine.


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
I thought the :fr: French entry was great actually, both song and performance, one of the best in the Final. In my family we all had it near the top of our ranking and could not fathom how it was so extremely underrated by Europe. Scandalous if you ask me but seeing some of the votes for other countries it just show it's impossible to tell sometimes what people like and will vote for.


Well-known member
May 18, 2021
I thought the package was good, so pretty sad this ended up so low. Ukraine and Moldova might have crowded the market of this genre, making this somewhat forgotten with its early spot in the running order.


Well-known member
March 5, 2015
Biggest robbery of the year for me. My guess is that because it performed in the first half which was packed with many great entries, it simply got drowned.
But I hope France doesn't shy away from sending songs like these, advocating their culture and heritage in such a creative way.


Well-known member
January 7, 2018
As a french i'm also quite disappointed. I know there was hype surrounding us after Fulenn won the NF. I believed for several weeks that we could maybe sneak into the Top 10 (i would not have been shocked with that). But after the 1st semi-final performance, I felt the hype was totally gone and no one was talking about us anymore in the esc medias for example (i don't think i was the only one to feel this). We were dropping in the betting odds but i was still hoping this was because we choosed to show a bad part of the performance during the semi-final. It was obvious we were going to do worse than expected (around 15th to 18th) and I was mentally prepared and ready for that but i didn't expected our result to be THAT worse.

This is our first bottom 5 since 2015 but at least, we flopped because we took a risk and not because we tried to send something too safe and harmless. We can leave with our heads held high by showing a part of our culture and showing that minority languages still exists. I think CVQD must come back next year but they must change the man who does the casting and choose the songs. Don't expect us to send something daring in the next 10 years. We will come back with the good old french ballads i think (but i hope i'm wrong). I just hope it was only a crash this year and not the beginning of terrible years for us. But my intuition tells me that this flop might be finally help us. We have a good team, motivated with ESC but they've maybe didn't find THE song they wanted this year.

We doesn't miss talents in France.


Well-known member
November 1, 2015
I have seen quite of people asking for CQVD being ditched next year. I beg to differ, since it brought some even better songs than Fulenn.

Aside from that, I think that Fulenn wasn't a match with the assignment from last night's grand final. As much as I adore the Breton language and the ethnic elements incorporated into Alvan & Ahez's performance, they kinda did it in an absurd manner.

From the moment I heard all of the performances in order, I immediately realized that there was no hope left for a good ranking nor an unexpected Michal Spazk's rise in the televote.

Quoting Alexandra Redde-Amiel's interview, which can be found right here:

She basically stated that she's very proud of A&A in spite of the result they got yesterday, having in fact brougth forward a 3-minute-excerpt of some Breton cultural inheritance. While I'm very happy with that representation we got - as a Britton man -, I've got to say that bringing cultural diversity to Eurovision will ever barely work for France. The only way it could, would be sending a way better and stronger entry. In fact, Alvan & Ahez didn't exhale any "chemistry" and felt kinda awkward singing together.

Anyway, I'm persuaded now - having seen Redde-Amiel working on our jESC entries & Barbara's act last year - that she will turn things around for us, and that is kind of a single mishap à la Netherlands 2015.
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