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{"edition": 192, "phase": "final results", "time": "May 6 9PM CET"}


Well-known member
June 23, 2010
I think we can all just chill. Usually we know the host right away. We'll spend more time discussing a rule and voting on it than we ever will spend waiting for a host. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Afaik Sigi was PMed yesterday evening, we'll get our answer eventually. Now let me go back to furiously refreshing the forum every 10 seconds.

I would say it is always a good idea to have a back-up plan and discuss possible changes to the current system - especially considering the fact that some of the popular players seem to have gone incognito and this is starting to become a reoccurring problem.

It's not the declining of hosting that is the problem here, is that the people (we're waiting for) who have been mentioned haven't even responded, despite being online since said mentions were handed out. Just a quick "yes", "no" or "don't know yet" would suffice. The radio silence is what bothers me.

Exactly this!
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