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  • Juki, my lovely - I would be soooo excited if you had time for just one more Congrats participation before we bid Zaprya farewell. Registration for Congrats 17 is open until this Friday (NSC 161-170) - please join us in Moisantia xlove
    Happy birthday my beautiful Juki! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with bops and plenty of Zapryan asses xheya xyaay :lol:
    Javi mi samo kad budes slobodna, moramo nesto da razgovaramo........a i da ti pokazem. Bojim se da odreagujem javno, izbice s*anje a ne mogu da pustim tek tako. Ovo nije fer prema drugim ljudima a dolazi od osobe kojoj i ti i ja verujemo. Nisam verovao da cu ovako nesto videti od nje.
    Heeejj hunneh, so this is a bit awkward, but I have an NF ongoing just now that features Jax Jones as one of the entrants (as Europa with Martin Solveig) so I don't know what the rules are for this when an artist is involved in an ongoing NF for the same edition... Help??
    Never mind, there's always next time! The All Around The World NF was certainly successful as it found you a PQ entry so hope you have time again soon. ;)
    That's a shame that you didn't have time for your NF - there were certainly plenty of voters willing to take part xlove
    Heeejj Juki! You ok? I haven't seen a PM with your NF yet, hope all is okay! Also, this is a gentle weekend reminder for Moisantia's NF xlove
    Jao da, ova pesma je bila prilicno popularna kod nas, nije se skidala bukvalno neko vreme :D Drago mi je da je prosla dobro xcheer
    I know, I'm thinking I'll need to change my plans if I PQ to maybe do an NF... Not sure. Congrats so far, loved Bad Boy xup
    Both songs are great. :D I think you made the right choice with Vietnam, although I do really like that alternative you have. I may have only given it 6 in your NF, but your NF is strong - great winner. xcheers
    ohh I don't know that 'Berim Jelo' song, but I quite like it. Not what I expected from Iran actually, sounds very modern. I LOVE ' Pame Ap' Tin Arhi ', it is a great song. xbow A super iconic coincidence again also... Last night I said I had Otherview with another song in a Greek NF for WV, well Pame Ap' Tin Arhi is in the same NF. :lol: It has a semi final, and Pame Ap' Tin Arhi has come 3rd in it. Great minds thinking alike. ;)
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