The ESC United “Expert” Panel is back. The Editorial team got to enjoy all 43 entries of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest, review and rank them accordingly. Needless to say, this is all subjective and you may totally disagree with us. There is a reason we put quotation marks down. Which is why we included a poll and in the end we’ll compare the reader’s results to our results. So check out our comments first and the scroll down to vote in the poll. Let’s get rollin’!
Serbia: Tijana Bogićević – In Too Deep
Sean – 10 Points
It’s a grower, but my god what a grower! This has worked its way from mid-ranking, into my Top 10 and right up towards the top and is one of the slickest, fanciest productions so far in Eurovision. Sadly it may also be the case that the entry is not instant enough to be a contender but the second semi-final is definitely starting with a bang!
Nenad – 10 Points
A brilliantly produced pop track that could easily be on the charts worldwide had it been performed by an established US/UK artist. Her voice fits this song perfectly and I’m so looking forward to her performance(s) in May, she deserves a great placing because the song is great and Europe needs to make up to Serbia for Sanja’s undeservedly low placing last year. The chorus is very catchy so the audience will be able to sing along with her immediately and they will remember her for sure, so it’s a good thing she’s opening the 2nd semi. With a good performance, she will most definitely leave a strong impression on the viewers. If there’s any justice, Tijana will sail through to the final and bring Serbia back to the left side of the scoreboard – to top 10, hopefully!
Stefan – 8 Points
Being as objective as possible, I will say that I like our song. It is something that local fans were urging for. I think that it all depends on the stage performance, because Tijana has an amazing voice. I am hoping to see something simple, but effective that will make you remember the song till the voting opens as she will perform first in the second semi.
Zack – 8 Points
A tried-and-true formula with a backing synth beat that escalates, drops at the chorus, and then plods along for the rest of the song. As formulaic as the song is, everything about it is quite well done. The instrumental break itself and middle eight are a pleasant reminder that this is Serbia bringing their A-game. This song stands its own ground.
Gerry – 7 Points
Serbia is one to watch out for this year. This song is a wonderful mix of tender and impactful, a modern dance song with the soul of a ballad, with a touch of ethnic Balkan influence in the bridge that ties it all together successfully. It’s got a structure that fits so much in just three minutes, held together with a catchy chorus. Tijana’s voice is a perfect match for this composition, and a strong performance at Eurovision will see this easily qualify to the finals.
Romeo – 7 Points
This is a modern song with some dated parts. I think overall it works well. When teh song kicks in it is great and it will get people on their feet. I think Serbia will do well, I don’t see Belgrade 2018 but it will be in the final for sure. I am wanting more drum n bass in this to add that extra umph.
Jordan – 6 Points
Very contemporary in style. It still doesn’t reach the same heights as other upbeat songs in this year’s contest. A fantastic vocal and a great beat should be enough to see this song qualify and do relatively well in the grand final.
Calvin – 5 Points
The song had lots of potential, but it suffers from its thin production and weak sound mix. These make the drop into the chorus half as satisfying as it should be and the verses sound, though listenable, weak and underdone. Ultimately, it feels like it needs a revamp; I wish they had released it early enough to make one. Tijana is, however, a very strong vocalist who may add the extra push the song needs to sound complete come Eurovision.
David – 5 Points
I always love when we get up-tempo songs, but for me, that’s not enough, and that’s the case here. I enjoy the effort from Tijana, but I find the song very forgettable and then I can’t see myself retuning to the song. The song lacks a great hook, and that’s what bothers me the most, otherwise the song is well composed and right after the book, but it just doesn’t stick out.
Robert – 4 Points
I think Serbia have one of the “forgotten” songs of this year. It appears to have been announced, and then just faded back into the shadows since then. I had almost totally forgotten about it before doing this review, which kinda speaks volumes about how I feel… The song itself is fine. The lyrics are perhaps a touch repetitive, especially in the chorus, but there’s nothing to really latch onto; nothing making it stand out from the pack. It feels very generic; a case where all the ingredients are there, but the passion to make an exceptional entry is just totally lacking. There are bits I like, the bridge towards the end for example, but overall this just leaves me waiting for the next entry.
Matt – 4 Points
This song is trying really, really hard to be Mainstream pop and it’s to a point where it becomes so unremarkable and forgettable. We have several solid and memorable upbeat entries in the running this year and Serbia could be the one that could get overlooked. There is no real hook that makes it stand out to me which is usually a red flag. I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t really have enough personality and had basically zero impact…….NEXT.
Final Score: 74
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[socialpoll id=”2436961″]This is the current ranking of the Panel, you can see all Reviews by clicking HERE.