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Tag Archives: Vila

Ivana Jordan: “Eurovision is like Olympics, but for music”

Another weekend of Eurovision shows has passed, so to over come the days till next one, we are bringing you another exclusive interview with Beovizija participants. Now it is time to hear what Ivana Jordan has to say regarding her upcoming participation, Eurovision and something about herself too. As you probably know, Ivana has already participated at Beovizija – back in …

Serbia: Boris Režak “Family and music are my life”

[AdSense-B] During the 2000s he ruled the stages all around former Yugoslavia. He was the runner up at the Bosnian national selection in 2002 and he also participated in Beovizija in 2004. Now he is coming back to the Serbian national final with the song Vila. Let’s see what he had to say! Could you describe yourself in just few words? …