Home Tag Archives: Stefanie Callebaut

Tag Archives: Stefanie Callebaut

Team Reviews: Belgium 2025

Goedenavond iedereen! Our website is back to working, and we have very little time to waste. We of course have reviewed the bulk of tonight’s finals, and we would not want you to miss out on our thoughts for Belgium. Tonight we will be reviewing the entries by Grace, Jelle Van Dael, Leez, Le Manou, Lenn, Mentissa, Stefanie Callebaut and …

BELGIUM: Four final snippets published!

Hello, everyone! Just a short post on the Belgian snippets for next Saturday, which have been published by Flemish Broadcaster VRT earlier this morning. As you know, Belgium is holding a national final this year, and Flemish broadcaster VRT is currently in charge of picking the entrant for Basel. Last Saturday and next Saturday will feature live shows where the …