Home Tag Archives: sanremo2023

Tag Archives: sanremo2023

Sanremo 2023: Marco Mengoni leads the pack after the first public vote

Tonight at Teatro Ariston, all 28 acts performed for the votes of the audience that matters most: the Italian public. Amadeus and Gianni Morandi were joined in hosting by superstar volleyball player Paola Egonu. 💥Manca pochissimo alla terza serata di @SanremoRai. Con #Amadeus e @morandi_g la stella della pallavolo mondiale ➡️ #PaolaEgonu#Sanremo2023 @RaiUno @RaiRadio2 @RaiPlay pic.twitter.com/B86Ij1EpCq — Ufficio Stampa Rai (@Raiofficialnews) …