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Tag Archives: rami talmid

“Same Heart” for Israel!

In a live broadcast held tonight, Israel has selected the song “Same Heart” (music and lyrics by Rami Talmid) to represent the country in Copenhagen. The selection process consisted of 100% televoting this year.  The Israeli public had 6 days to televote for their favorite entry out of the 3 that were presented; 10 votes per a phone device. These …

Israel will release top 3 songs on Thursday

The Israeli Broadcasting Association (IBA) has announced in a press release that a special broadcast called “The Way to Copenhagen” will air this Thursday (February 27, 20:00 CET), revealing the 3 songs which will compete to represent Israel in Denmark. The special broadcast will be presented by Ofer Nachshon who is best known for awarding points from Israel in previous …

Israel: song titles and Grand Final details revealed

In a meeting held today, the special committee by the Israeli Broadcasting Association (IBA) selected 3 songs which will compete in the Israeli pre-selection.  87 songs were submitted and reviewed by a panel of experts that included several music industry professionals.  Among the 3 songs is one submitted by the Israeli representative for Copenhagen, Mei Finegold. Mei Fingold performs in the …