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Tag Archives: Mike Tramp

Denmark: Get to know the eight participating acts in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021

Copenhagen, 11 February 2021 This post was written by our Danish correspondent, Christian Kaad, and edited by Boris Meersman. Yesterday, DR announced the eight songs and artists that will compete to become “our song” on March 6 at the Danish Melody Grand Prix – Denmark’s largest music festival. The winning song is chosen entirely by the Danish public based on …

White Lion’s “Big Game” turns 30 – Denmark’s Eurovision 1978 singer becomes glam metal royalty

[AdSense-B] The below editorial features the opinions and views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of #escYOUnited as a whole, Eurovision or the EBU. Donald Trump missed the memo on talent in America – all that is best and truly representative of America is actually a foreign import. Arnold Schwarzenegger, an Austrian bodybuilder and action star …