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Tag Archives: IPBC

Israel Calling 2024 to be held on April 11

The season of pre-party events ahead of Eurovision 2023 is drawing to an end as the artists take their chances in connecting with the Eurofans, representing their respective countries and songs, as well as getting their first taste of Eurovision while also having fun and enjoying the carefree moments. Israel Calling, one of the said events, after being delayed in …

Israel’s Eurovision 2023 artist to be selected internally by committee

After failing to qualify for the grand final in Turin for the first time since 2014, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (IPBC/KAN) has decided to move back to an internal artist selection for the 2023 contest. The artist will be selected by a 9 member committee appointed by IPBC, with the committee bring comprised of the director of IPBC’s radio stations, …

ESC 2019: Where exactly are we going?

[AdSense-B] Any views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not represent ESC United as a whole, its staff or the views of the EBU and Eurovision. The 2018 edition of the contest has come to an end. However, let’s not let the Post Eurovision Depression hit us, and look forward instead! Once again, a …

Israel kick off HaKokhav HaBa 2018

Rather dramatically, Israel’s long-term Eurovision spokesperson Ofer Nachshon told Europe that Israel’s broadcaster would be entering for the very last time and wished the contest well for the future. While this came as quite a surprise to the Eurovision community many saw it as an empty threat at the time, or perhaps a misinterpretation of his words. Thankfully, we now …