Home Tag Archives: elitsa & stoyan

Tag Archives: elitsa & stoyan

Bulgaria: Five Things to Know About Intelligent Music Project

Last week, Bulgaria officially announced Intelligent Music Project as the country’s 2022 Eurovision representatives. With the release of its entry, “Intention”, on the horizon, here are five things to know about the supergroup: It’s the Brainchild of a Renowned Physician   Dr. Milen Vrabevski, the mastermind behind Intelligent Music Project, is a prominent physician, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. His philanthropic and business …

Poll: Bulgaria changes song for Elitsa & Stoyan – Do you agree?

Bulgaria made an unexpected announcement letting us know that their originally entry “Kismet” has been dropped and instead “Samo Sampioni” was chosen as the song for Malmo. the latter was the favorite to win the National Final but the televoters preferred “Kismet”. [vsw id=”xRdG6jo2sSQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   The rumor mills haven’t stopped and copyright issues were mentioned as …

Bulgaria sends “Kismet” to Malmo!

After a combination jury/televoting/SMS vote, Elitsa and Stoyan will be peforming “Kismet” this May in Malmo! Elitsa and Stoyan performed their three songs and had a telephone/SMS vote and a five member jury select the winner.   [vsw id=”xkTzkCKrRfk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   What is your verdict, was this the best of the three songs? Share your thoughts below …

Bulgaria: Song presentation today at 14:45 CET

Today is the song presentation in Bulgaria. Elitsa & Stoyan will perform the 3 songs at BNT’s Sunday show “NedeliaX3” at 14:45 CET. Elitsa & Stoyan are no strangers to the Eurovision fans as they represented Bulgaria in 2007 where they finished 5th, Bulgaria’s best result to date. The show can be watched online via the following links: Webcast BNT: …