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Tag Archives: chanelazo

Spain’s Benidorm Fest 2023 has received 876 songs!

RTVE has announced that the Spanish Broadcaster has received 876 songs ahead of next year’s Benidorm Fest 2023. The same contest that gave us Chanel and her song Slo-Mo must now whittle down the extensive list to sixteen songs that will participate in the two semifinals, early next year. The songs have been flowing into the RTVE headquarters in Madrid …

Spain: Submission Window for Benidorm Fest 2023 Opens

The Spanish national broadcaster, RTVE has officially opened the submission window for their celebrated Benidorm Fest 2023. 2023 marks the return of the Benidorm Fest, which was chosen as the selection mechanism for Spain, last year. This selection mechanism chose Chanel, who finished 3rd with her song “Slo Mo,” marking Spain’s best result since 1995. RTVE is now accepting submissions for …