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Tag Archives: animal drive

Junior Eurovision: Dino Jelusick disbands Animal Drive

On a post on both his Instagram and Facebook accounts, Croatia’s Junior Eurovision 2003 winner Dino Jelusick announced that his hard rock project Animal Drive has been ended. “With great regret we have to inform you that band Animal Drive no longer exists,” wrote Jelusick. Jelusick continued, “A few unpleasant and unforeseen circumstances, such as the multiple unduly postponement of …

Junior Eurovision RoundUp: Georgian folk tour on Ranina, Animal Drive EP released, ZENA in Amsterdam

[AdSense-B] A recent argument among fans of Eurovision is the use of The Idol, X Factor, The Voice or similar singing contest to select an entrant for Eurovision. Many fans view it as a negative influence on the contest, arguing that these contests devalue Eurovision by countries losing their identity by sending generic entrants who favor generic songs. A counterpoint …