Home Tag Archives: András Kállay-Saunders

Tag Archives: András Kállay-Saunders

New Music from Aminata, Sirusho, Luca Hanni, Kobi Marimi and More

After taking considerable time off, the stars in the sky have aligned and a litany of new music has been released by former Eurovision artists. The list from the past week alone carries some heavy hitters: Luca Hanni, Aminata, and Sirusho just to name a few. Looking for some new jams for the office playlist or even a weekend getaway? …

Oh, Say Can You See the Americans who Participated in Eurovision 2019 and its National Selections?

[AdSense-B] Happy Independence Day to our American readers, or Happy Traitors’ Day if you are of an English persuasion! Despite the day being a celebration of telling Old Europe where to stick their old order, why not use this day to highlight Americans who participated at Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv or in the national selection process? Americans have had …

Hungary: 30 acts competing in A Dal 2019!

The season is slowly heating up, since now the Hungarian national broadcaster (MTVA) has revealed the 30 acts that will compete in the national selection for 2019. [AdSense-B] Once again, Hungary will be using their national final “A Dal” in order to select their entry for the upcoming contest to be held in Tel-Aviv. The national final has proven it’s …

Hungary: Remaining heat participants known

We now know who is taking part in which heat of A Dal, Hungary’s selection process for Eurovision 2016. Heat two, set to take place this Saturday, sees two familiar faces rejoin the race for Eurovision glory. Passed, who were popular with many of our forum members and other fans last year, return for another chance in 2016 in this …

Kállay Saunders (Hungary 2014) releases “Victory”

Victory Kállay Saunders is back with a new single. The talented singer, who represented Hungary at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest, announced on his Facebook that his project “The Kallay Saunders Band” has released their latest single Victory. The Kallay Saunders band was formed after Eurovision last year and this is their first single release. The singer also wrote the …

UPDATE: Eurovision 2014 stars release new music

It’s been over two months since the grand final of the 59th Eurovision Song Contest took place in Copenhagen in May. Which artists have come up with new material since then? ESC United will give you an overview of new singles and albums released by this year’s Eurovision stars! Finland: Softengine The indie rockers from Finland achieved a very decent …

The 2014 “Expert” Panel – HUNGARY

Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2014 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 7 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale …