Last week, the Swiss broadcaster announced that 21-year-old Remo Forrer would represent Switzerland this year at Eurovision. Today, his song “Watergun” has been released:

“Watergun” is a soulful pop ballad about the loss of innocence that comes with war and conflict. There can be a lot of anxiety associated with growing older and realizing that adult life is not what we imagined it would be as children, and Forrer links that sentiment with the anxiety and despair felt by those who are suddenly thrust into war while yearning for peace.

Asked about the song, Remo Forrer told SRF: “We, especially my generation, are confronted with global crises and wars. And we have to live with the consequences of decisions we didn’t make. It’s frustrating, but I still have hope that change is possible.”

Forrer’s interest in music began with traditional folk music in his hometown of Hemberg, then grew when he began to study piano and vocal performance and grew to love pop music.

The Swiss entry was selected internally through a multi-step evaluation process by a professional jury and a 100-person panel of TV viewers, in hopes of “simulat[ing] the televoting results of the almost 40 participating countries as best as possible.”

Switzerland will perform in the second half of Semi-Final 1 on May 9.

Does Remo Forrer’s “Watergun” resonate with you? Are #YOU looking forward to seeing his live performance on the Eurovision stage? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!



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