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Well-known member
January 29, 2010
Czech Repuplic



San Marino
Bosnia & Herzegovina


Well-known member
March 8, 2012
My Top 43:

Homeboy/Homegirl status

:12: :bg:
:10: :fr:

Secondary homeboy/homegirl status

:8: :az:
:7: :es:
:6: :ru:
:5: :cy:
:4: :hu:
:3: :mt:

Also great entries

:2: :lv:
:1: :lt:
11 :au:
12 :il:
13 :al:
14 :am:
15 :is:
16 :it:
17 :me:
18 :no:
19 :de:

The Decent Crowd

20 :ie:
21 :gr:
22 :ro:
23 :se:
24 :be:
25 :uk:
26 :pl:

The 'It's Alright" Crowd

27 :rs:
28 :hr:
29 :cz:
30 :ua:
31 :ba:
32 :mk:
33 :ee:

The "Not Good Enough, But Still Doable" Crowd

34 :at:
35 :ge:
36 :ch:
37 :by:
38 :fi:
39 :sm:
40 :dk:
41 :nl:

Crimes against humanity xD

42 :md:
43 :sl: <---------------- especially this one xpukexpuke


Active member
January 7, 2014
Faves xheart

01 :is:
02 :ru: (honestly this could be first but I know he can do much better)
03 :ee:
04 :lv:
05 :de:
06 :bg:
07 :hu:
08 :am:
09 :fr:

Like xup

10 :rs:
11 :es:
12 :ba:
13 :lt:
14 :au:
15 :nl:
16 :ch:
17 :ie:
18 :it:
19 :az:
20 :cy:
21 :cz:
22 :no:
23 :ro:
24 :mk:
25 :uk:
26 :at:
27 :hr:

Decent :D

28 :mt:
29 :fi:
30 :sm:
31 :pl:
32 :md:
33 :al:
34 :se:
35 :il:
36 :be:
37 :by:
38 :dk:
39 :ua:

*Michele Perniola voice:* NO

40 :sl:
41 :ge:
42 :me:

(43 :gr: it's not last I actually quite like it, I just usually don't rank my own cuntry)


February 8, 2015
here we go,

Almost in my all time faves
:12: Cyprus
:10: France
:8: Estonia
(Estonia and France switch around a lot)

Very happy if they win
:7: Iceland
:6: Israel
:5: Hungary
:4: Latvia
:3: Germany
:2: Ireland
:1: UK

little complaint if they win
11. Sweden
12. Russia
13. Romania
14. Poland
(really tight between those two)
15. Denmark
16. Belarus
17. Lithuania

small complaints if they win
18. Azerbaijan
19. Macedonia
20. Bosnia and Herzegovina

not happy if they win
21. Greece
22. Netherlands
23. Bulgaria
24. Armenia
25. Finland
26. Australia
27. Albania

Angry if they win
28. Italy
29. Switzerland
30. Croatia

On par with Azrbaijan winning in 2011
31. Slovenia
32. Czech Republic
33. Austria
34. Malta
35. Montengro

worse than Azerbaijan winning in 2011
36. Spain
37. Serbia
38. Georgia
39. Moldova
40. Norway
41. Ukraine

in another tier bellow even that.
42. Belgium
43. San Marino


March 24, 2014
My top 43:

1. Latvia
2. Russia
3. Spain
4. Austria
5. Iceland
6. France
7. Denmark
8. UK
9. Italy
10. Australia
11. Germany
12. Hungary
13. Lithuania
14 . FYR Macedonia
15. Ireland
16. Belgium (my country)
17. Malta
18. Croatia
19. Switzerland
20. Bulgaria
21. Moldova
22. Cyprus
23. The Netherlands
24. Czech republic
25. Serbia
26. Israël
27. Romania
28. Armenia
29. Sweden
30. Poland
31. Norway
32. Estonia
33. Albania
34. Azerbeijdan
37. Bosnia-Herzegovina
38. Greece
39. Ukraine
40. Montenegro
41 Georgia
42. San Marino
43. Belarus


July 10, 2014
My updated current ranking:

1 :es:
2 :bg:
3 :cz:
4 :uk:
5 :fr:
6 :hr:
7 :cy:
-----------very good
8 :it:
9 :by:
10 :ua:
11 :be:
12 :ru:
13 :at:
14 :lv:
15 :hu:
16 :al:
17 :au:
18 :fi:
19 :is:
20 :mk:
21 :nl:
22 :de:
23 :az:
24 :am:
25 :il:
26 :mt:
27 :ie:
28 :no:
29 :md:
30 :gr:
31 :sm:
32 :pl:
33 :ee:
34 :ba:
35 :dk:
36 :lt:
37 :ch:
38 :ge:
39 :me:
------can't stand them
40 :sl:
41 :ro:
42 :rs:
43 :se:


March 3, 2014
updated my ranking :D

Holy trinity

:es: :mt: :az:


:no: :fr: :ru:

not quite hip, but still great

:am: :it: :cy: :mk: :md:

pretty nice

:lv: :fi: :lt: :au: :de: :gr:

Kinda okay, not bad

:ba: :is: :cz: :ua: :ee: :rs: :hr: :bg:

50 shades of meh

:ch: :il: :hu: :sl: :dk:

Ehw bleh what's this

:se: :uk: :ge: :sm: :al: :be: :by: :ie: :nl: :me:

Anti hip

:ro: :pl: :at:


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
My ranking at the moment: :D (countries under some number of points are ranked as well)

:12: :no: :hr: :cy: :fr: :az: :ru: awesome entries
:10: :hu: :rs: :lv: :nl: :bg: :au: :ba: :cz: :is: :ua: pretty good entries
:8: :md: :it: :lt: pretty nice
:7: :au: :mt: :mk: :ie: nice
:6: :uk: :pl: :es: :al: ok songs
:5: :be: :ee: so-so entries, a bit better than 4 points ones
:4: :de: :ch: so-so entries, but could be worse
:3: :sl: :by: poor entries
:2: :fi: :se: bad
:1: :il: not so terrible, but could be better
:0: :ro: :me: :gr: :ge: :sm: terrible entries

But I'm expecting that it could change when I'll listen to all of them better

You're missing Austria. :eek:


Well-known member
May 9, 2015

01 Georgia - Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold
02 Ukraine - Jamala - 1944
03 Montenegro - Highway - The Real Thing


04 Armenia - Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave
05 Greece - Argo - Utopian Land
06 Serbia - ZAA Sanja Vučić - Goodbye (Shelter)
07 Finland - Sandhja - Sing It Away


08 Italy - Francesca Michielin - Nessun grado di separazione
09 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - Ljubav je
10 Iceland - Greta Salóme - Hear Them Calling
11 Romania - Ovidiu Anton - Moment of Silence
12 Bulgaria - Poli Genova - If Love Was a Crime
13 Croatia - Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse
14 Estonia - Jüri Pootsmann - Play
15 Belarus - Ivan - Help You Fly
16 Netherlands - Douwe Bob - Slow Down
17 San Marino - Serhat - I Didn't Know
18 France - Amir - J'ai cherché
19 Czech Republic - Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand
20 Hungary - Freddie - Pioneer


21 Israel - Hovi Star - Made of Stars
22 Spain - Barei - Say Yay!
23 Sweden - Frans - If I Were Sorry
24 FYR Macedonia - Kaliopi - Dona
25 Latvia - Justs - Heartbeat
26 Belgium - Laura Tesoro - What's the Pressure
27 Germany - Jamie-Lee Kriewitz - Ghost
28 Denmark - Lighthouse X - Soldiers of Love
29 Slovenia - ManuElla - Blue and Red
30 Albania - Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale Love
31 Malta - Ira Losco - Walk on Water
32 Azerbaijan - Samra - Miracle


33 Norway - Agnete - Icebreaker
34 Poland - Michał Szpak - Color of Your Life
35 Switzerland - Rykka - The Last of Our Kind
36 Lithuania - Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night
37 United Kingdom - Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
38 Australia - Dami Im - Sound of Silence
39 Cyprus - Minus One - Alter Ego
40 Moldova - Lidia Isac - Falling Stars


41 Russia - Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One
42 Austria - Zoë - Loin d'ici
43 Ireland - Nicky Byrne - Sunlight


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
"I've got to say,I'm addicted"
"not perfect,but a ok"
"The last of it's kind"

(Full ranking comes a few days after eurovision)

also in 3 categories:cool:

i like 29 songs...just like in 2012 which is a record


(Retired) Admin
October 1, 2009
You're missing Austria. :eek:


Thanks xcheer

Anyway, fixed ranking:
:12: :no: :hr: :cy: :fr: :az: :ru: awesome entries
:10: :hu: :rs: :lv: :nl: :bg: :au: :ba: :cz: :is: :ua: pretty good entries
:8: :md: :it: :lt: :at: pretty nice
:7: :au: :mt: :mk: :ie: nice
:6: :uk: :pl: :es: :al: ok songs
:5: :be: :ee: so-so entries, a bit better than 4 points ones
:4: :de: :ch: so-so entries, but could be worse
:3: :sl: :by: poor entries
:2: :fi: :se: bad
:1: :il: not so terrible, but could be better
:0: :ro: :me: :gr: :ge: :sm: terrible entries


Active member
February 5, 2012
Hey y'all!
It's time for my elaborated review and ranking of all songs!

The average level this year is probably the highest it's ever been in ESC. But that doesn't mean there are many truly great songs to find either. There is just less cringeworthy stuff and more decent stuff tbh :lol:
This is the year of well-crafted melodic pop songs. I like this kind of music, but there are simply too many of these songs. It makes it hard to rank them, but I have tried.

Here goes...

01 :ua:
This is able to touch your soul. Amazing production and beat. Her voice is some kind of divine instrument. My favourite without a doubt.

02 :hu:
This is one fine piece of pop music..... and man of course ;) it's got the whole package - meaningful lyrics, catchy hooks, distinctive voice, sexy and likeable singer. Wouldn't be an undeserving winner.

03 :hr:
At first I wasn't impressed by the song. Thought it was lacking. Now I think it's magical and powerful. Her voice is divine. Croatian Enya :lol:

04 :fr:
I quite like this. Very well-crafted pop song with nice hooks. Amir looks cute as well.

05 :gr:
I really enjoy this. Catchy song and sound. Nice departure from the standard piano/guitar/synth-driven pop.

06 :se:
Charming. It's a cute song with a very catchy beat. His voice borders on the annoying, but it adds to the charm.

07 :it:
A very classy and understated ballad for Eurovision standards. Enjoyable song. Good voice. Nice artist.

08 :lv:
Great production. Nice voice. Everything about it is very sleek, but the hook is actually not that amazing.

09 :uk:
The song is actually pretty good. In my head it's about a secret gay love affair :lol: It's well-crafted but a bit too slick and smooth after all.

10 :sl:
A great copy of a copy of a copy. This song is so nice and catchy, and ManuElla looks priceless. My biggest guilty pleasure. Can't help it.

11 :cy:
G:son gets the job done. The hook is undeniably catchy. You can argue that the production takes some "rock credibility" away from the act, bit it's still a nice song.

12 :pl:
He's just great. The song is an epic cheesefest. If he had gone with "Such Is Life" he would be in my top 3.

13 :am:
The best part of this is her voice. I hear a bit of MJ in there. Song is all right. Doesn't get me that excited though, and not really fitting for a 3 minute format.

14 :es:
Barei has charisma. The song is all right. It's exciting but falls a bit flat at the same time.

15 :fi:
Extremely comparable to the one above. I think I like/dislike them equally. Sandhja also has amazing charisma and gives a rousing performance.

16 :by:
Sorta cringeworthy and fairytale-like in that charming Belarusian way. Another well-crafted melodic pop song, but with slightly more edge than some others.

17 :me:
This might just be the most pure example of an indie song at Eurovision. Well done.

18 :bg:
Pretty catchy.

19 :ba:
This is creepy in such an enchanting way. Bosnia & Herzegovina is good at this. It is a necessity at Eurovision.

20 :lt:
Serving Melodifestivalen realness. Donny is trying so hard and it's a bit cringey, but the song has a catchy hook and production.

21 :nl:
The Netherlands seem to have found their formula in this contest - Feel-good down-to-earth music that sounds a little dusty. This one does it well too. Not my usual taste, but good for what it is.

22 :ge:
Rock music often sounds generic and pastiche to me. This is no exception. At least it's liberating after all the radio pop.

23 :is:
Fairly catchy and enjoyable. But it gets repetitive and looks a little too much like a mix of Loreen and Måns singing a song by Of Monsters and Men. Kinda desperate. Not cute. At least she tried.

24 :az:
Another well-crafted pop song. Too bad it has no personality whatsoever. She is very beautiful though.

25 :ee:
Like their song from last year, this is so retro and classy in that plain and correct way that always annoys me. I can see the appeal, but Estonia needs to be braver. They have many good options for that.

26 :au:
Extremely generic sound, but the chorus is catchy enough to redeem it a bit.

27 :dk:
This has grown to become a minor guilty pleasure of mine. It is so very cheesy and so very catchy.

28 :ch:
The song is decent but too vanilla.

29 :cz:
I really don't know what to make of this.. Again, it's well-crafted and it looks and sounds pretty, but it's so irrelevant.

30 :mt:
This song just feels like filler. It's not bad but nowhere near exciting either.

31 :al:
I just don't know how to feel about this song. It's somehow appealing and bland all at once.

32 :no:
I don't get this. It just seems manufactured. Is the chorus supposed to be an epic musical twist? Sounds more like a sudden advertisement jingle for some random product.

33 :be:
She does her best. It's okay. Whatever.

34 :ie:
Too much sugar.

35 :sm:

36 :ru:
this is so bad it's almost not even guilty pleasure material. It's cringeworthy. Even more than last year's winner, which makes the odds even more frightening and sadly realistic since people apparently love cheap and lazy songwriting.

37 :rs:
Stop it lady. Stop yourself.

38 :mk:
This artist is stuck in the 80's - and not in a cute way.

39 :at:
This is vanilla schlager pop music for children. Sugar overload.

40 :de:
Boring and flat song. And I can't find any connection between her fashion and the song. It all looks and sounds random and unfinished.

41 :il:
Boring and pathetic.

42 :md:
A stellar example of epic europop drivel. It's like a parody of a Eurovision song. OMG so meta lolz.

43 :ro:
What annoying musical is this from? Romania brings the circus once again.


Active member
March 27, 2016
Las Vegas USA
I'm not going to categorize mine because that would hurt my brain. But I have ranked the songs from favorite to least favorite, YAY!!
1. France
2. Estonia
3. Latvia
4. Australia
5. Italy
6. Hungary
7. Croatia
8. Russia
9. Czech Republic
10. Iceland
11. Bulgaria
12. Lithuania
13. Serbia
14. Israel
15. Netherlands
16. Spain
17. Austria
18. Germany
19. United Kingdom
20. Romania (Guilty Pleasure Song 2016)
21. Belgium
22. Denmark
23. Malta
24. Sweden
25. Finland
26. Norway
27. Macedonia
28. Bosnia and Herzegovina
29. Ireland
30. Cyprus
31. Poland
32. Moldova
33. Azerbaijan
34. Armenia
35. Switzerland
36. Belarus
37. Greece
38. Slovenia
39. San Marino
40. Ukraine
41. Albania
42. Montenegro
43. Georgia


March 1, 2015
With help from Gerbear:
1. Latvia
2. France
3. Sweden
4. Russia
5. Netherlands
6. Bulgaria
7. Estonia
8. Hungary
9. Czech Republic
10. Croatia
11. Austria
12. Iceland
13. Armenia
14. Bosnia
15. Poland
16. Norway
17. Cyprus
18. Macedonia
19. Lithuania
20. Israel
21. San Marino
22. Ukraine
23. Denmark
24. Georgia
25. Serbia
26. Azerbaijan
27. UK
28. Greece
29. Belarus
30. Ireland
31. Italy
32. Malta
33. Australia
34. Germany
35. Finland
36. Spain
37. Belgium
38. Moldova
39. Montenegro
40. Switzerland
41. Slovenia
42. Romania
43. Albania


Well-known member
April 5, 2010
Leipzig (Germany)
Here is my ranking list (March 31st)

01. :hr:
02. :de:
03. :bg:
04. :fr:
05. :mk:
06. :ee:
07. :au:
08. :hu:
09. :be:
10. :rs:
11. :cy:
12. :at:
13. :nl:
14. :lv:
15. :ch:
16. :pl:
17. :lt:
18. :fi:
19. :ua:
20. :ru:
21. :az:
22. :il:
23. :ro:
24. :cz:
25. :dk:
26. :ie:
27. :no:
28. :it:
29. :ba:
30. :mt:
31. :uk:
32. :es:
33. :sl:
34. :am:
35. :se:
36. :is:
37. :md:
38. :gr:
39. :by:
40. :sm:
41. :al:
42. :ge:
43. :me:


Well-known member
February 10, 2010
New top as of 05/04:


1. Spain
2. Belgium
3. Russia
4. Ukraine
5. Norway
6. Azerbaijan
7. Austria
8. France


9. Australia
10. Iceland
11. Malta
12. Slovenia
13. The Netherlands
14. Finland
15. Estonia
16. Croatia


17. Bulgaria
18. Germany
19. Serbia
20. Latvia
21. Denmark
22. Armenia
23. Bosnia and Herzegovina
24. Czech Republic
25. Sweden
26. San Marino
27. Switzerland
28. Italy
29. Ireland
30. Lithuania


31. Hungary
32. Cyprus
33. United Kingdom
34. Albania
35. Poland
36. Belarus
37. Moldova
38. Israel


39. FYR Macedonia
40. Georgia
41. Montenegro
42. Romania
43. Greece


Active member
February 21, 2011
Well I'm also going to try to explain my opinion for my ranking this year. I first want to say the quality dramatically increased in comparison to last year in my opinion. There seems to be a right balance between quality songs and funny memourable songs. I felt the quality last year was pretty good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as previous years, mostly because most songs were boring and playing it "safe". This year we have more diversity, more quality en in general more enjoyable songs!

1. :it: Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation
This is a song that touches your soul. It feels to me so incredibly intimate, honest and personal that you really believe what she is saying, even without having to be able to speak Italian. I guess the English makes that easier though but also takes a little of the charm of the song, as well as the reduction to 3 minutes. But despite of all that, I still see this as my favorite song in this very strong year. Italy has been such a powerhouse for me since their return and this year they really deserve to be on top!

2. :hr: Nina Kraljic - Lighthouse
Another song that can hit you emotionally. I think I never seen such a strong comeback from a Eurovision country before, which is amazing because I've been waiting to love something that Croatia send. This feels magic, If you close your eyes while playing this song it takes you to another place. You believe to be at that lonely lighthouse during the clearest night or during the hardest storm. For me this is such a supportive and calming song. With a good staging this could do ridiculously well!

3. :fr: Amir - J'ai Cherché
I thought I officially lost France last year. After sending amazing songs in 2011 and 2012, they have kind of let their attention and effort to Eurovision slip away a little. But this is an amazing upbeat pop song and extremely well produced. It also ties in French and English really well. If performed right a contender for the win.

4. :uk: Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
I always have the feeling that the United Kingdom is chronically being underrated at this forum and the Eurovision fan community. I always seem them so low in every bodies top, but nobody ever explains why. For me this is a happy, uplifting song and it lies really close to my taste in music, being a bit sugarcoated though. I love the U2 like guitar in the background as the songs builds in strength. It reminds me of Coldplay in their better days. It might not win, but they are winners to me.

5. :hu: Freddie - Pioneer
After having the Kallay Saunders Band as my favourite for A Dahl for so long, the more I listen to this song, the more I started to doubt. When it actually won I was completely convinced. For me this is a darkhorse to win the competition. Great performance life, great raw voice and it sounds like something new and unique this contest desperately needs. Hungary has been sending amazing songs the past few years.

6. :se: Frans - If I Were Sorry
The best example of hate of the fan community because they wanted to see somebody else win. But for what it is, it is the best song Sweden has send in a while. This is the first time they try something different and sincere. No Mans backdrops, no Sanna screaming, no Eric Saade dancing, just a honest song without flashy Melodifestivalen extras. Sweden always sends quality, but I got so tired of their standard formula which seemed to be standard europop tailor made for Eurovision. In comparison to those songs, this songs feels like a breath of fresh air to me.

7. :ch: Rykka - Last of Our Kind
Ok, she might not sounded perfect in the national final, but this song has been slaughtered just because of that. The songs has an amazing dark atmosphere with very interesting lyrics. For me song and the artist feel original (I see a bit of Sia though). I'm one of the few optimists that sees her improve her staging and voice before the semi's. I already saw a newer performance which showed a lot of improvement. This songs has soo much potential!

8. :lt: Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night
By far the best song Donny and Lithuania has send the past years after so many disasters. They already looked up with their song last year, but this is really good. Some say it's standard pop, which is kind of true, but is has been produced so well I don't really mind.

9. :nl: Douwe Bob - Slow Down
Maybe it's a bit chauvinistic to put you own country so high here, but just like 2013 and 2014, I'm just so proud we decided to send quality again to the contest and didn't look at what the contest would expect from us. This song feels warm with maybe the best and most relevant messages in todays hectic society. We will struggle to get through in an extremely strong Semi 1. But unlike last year, I believe we deserve to be in the final this year.

10. :is: Greta Salome - Hear Them Calling
Even if it's not in Icelandic, it's still a strong song, but when do they learn over their just to sing in their own language? People seem to love it! The dark and mysterious staging and atmosphere would lend itself great to the Icelandic language. But even without it, I like it. It reminds of "Of Monsters and Men".

11. :cy: Minus One - Alter Ego
First time since Softengine 2014 that Rock has been presented will in the contest! Maybe a bit to poppy in my opinion, but that makes it more usable in this contest. Great job Cyprus!

12. :bg: Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime
Another great comeback! But already had high expectations of Poli as a fan of "Na Inat". This songs does everything right, it's contemporary but still ethnic, it's poppy, but still with an edge. I would be really mad if Poli wouldn't make it to the final this year.

13. :dk: Lighthouse X - Soldiers of Love
Ok, Denmark is not as good anymore as three years ago, the songs is dated and a throwback to 90's boybands. But It's just so incredibly catchy! Not to mention their amazing live vocals, which could be one of the better live vocals of the contest. I'm willing to bet money on the fact this will qualify from Semi 2 (In Semi 1 It wouldn't have had a chance).

14. :es: Barei - Say Yay!
I went from absolutely loving this to finding it still bearable to listen too. It's a song with a very short expiration date in my opinion. But it's still the most uplifting song in the contest, not to mention Barei as a great (and attractive) performer. They should have really ditched the dance moves though, It looks soo cringe worthy to me XD.

15. :ie: Nicky Byrne - Sunlight
Also very underrated in my opinion. I understand some people my find it boring or sound like 1000 other songs, but for me this song is still unique and give me a good feeling. The lyrics are good, the song is well composed, but the live performance might need a little work though.

16. :ee: Jüri Pootsmann - Play
Estonia has gotten the reputation with me as the hipster among Eurovision countries, with entries in it's national final you would never see elsewhere. That's why I was kind of dissapointed they chose the safe route of Stig Rästa songs with "Play". It's still a very good song and I really like Stig's work, but I would have just preferred to see Estonia send something different again like "Seis", which would have made a much bigger impact on the contest I think.

17. :lv: Justs - Hearbeat
Another Baltic country following its success of the previous year. Indeed the song has Aminata fingerprints all over it and while it is made and produced very well, I'm just not a very big fan of Aminata's style. I know this is completely my fault since I know it's good and just like last year the live is very good (not as good as Aminata's but still). I guess my stupid subjective taste just won't allow me to like this song more :lol:

18. :cz: Gabriela Guncikova - I Stand
Best song of Czech Republic by far! Since I'm not a fan of screamy "diva" balads, this positions is pretty much a compliment. This songs has something magical and I really hope she can catch the same spirit in her live performance.

19. :au: Dami Im - Sound of Silence
It's good......I know it's good. I just wished Australia would take a little more risk in sending their song. This is such a safe bet, It doesn't have that much interesting going on in it. It will probably be top 5 anyway.

20. :az: Samra - Miracle
Remember what I said about taking a risk and doing something original..............ffs Azerbaijan, please try something else than you usual Swedish produced pop. As for Australia, I just can't say this song is bad, but it's so incredibly safe it never has a chance to proliferate with me. It will of course do really well, but you have to try a little harder to win this contest.

21. :de: Jamie Lee - Ghost
Does Germany have a thing for sending cute, bland, dark haired girls the the contest lately? The song is ok, but isn't really that memorable. It has a few interesting elements in, but if the only thing you remember from the performance is the singers outfit you have a problem.

22. :sl: Manuella - Blue and Red
It's so easy to say a song is bed just because of one line: "blue is blue and red is red". Taken out of context in could be the dumbest lyric of the context, but I actually think the song is quit of smart. It also sounds pretty nice with the Taylor Swift influences.

23. :ge: Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold
This totally fits my music taste, too bad it isn't executed that well. It's still a way better song then people give it credit for though. I see these guys as genuine artist with more talent than some other in this contest. It's far from horrible, but there were better options from the preselection. I really hoped for "Weagree"

24. :mt: Ira Losco - Walk on Water
Only slightly better than Chameleon, since it's better produced, but I can say the same for both. Both are decent, but incredibly bland Europop songs tailored for the contest. Feels like I heard it a 1000x before in this contest. Also changing your song from the one the people chose is kind of weak move in my opinion.

25. :ba: Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - Ljubav Je
I was kind of expecting a bit more from one of my favourite Eurovision countries in the past. It's not that every balkan ballad gets 10/10 especially after we have seen better ones from Montenegro past two years. The best part of this song by far is the Violin and the worst part by far is ..........not the rap :eek:. No the rap doesn't bother me that much. What does bother me in this song is Deen, he kind of creeps me out :lol:

26. :pl: Michał Szpak - Color Of Your Life
A very typical and even outdated Eurovision song. Still this song is starting to grow on me, mainly thanks to Michal who brings the song with such passion and conviction. He really needs to sell this song during his live if he want's to go the final. I might later put it up a few places.

27. :il: Hovi Star - Made of Stars
Another song that is climbing rapidly. This is mostly because Israel have done the best revamp of their song this year. The message of the song is brought across soo much better. On the other hand it's still a bit bland, could also move up a bit in the future.

28. :at: ZOË - Loin d’ici
Where previous two started to grow on me, the opposite is happening with this song. The studio version sounded very interesting at first listen, but seeing her live (although her voice is spot on) kind of annoyed me and felt kind of childish and repetitive. I actually give this sing minimal chance making it to the final in Semi 1.

29. :rs: ZAA Sanja Vučić - Goodbye
The song is pretty decent, but not really my style. Also I hope she changes her stage presence during the shows because she kind of creeps me out. She looks like an even crazier version of Amy Winehouse.

30. :am: Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave
I can say about this song the same as I did about the song last year: Incoherent Mess. I can appreciate Armenia tries to do something different, but it kind of failed in my opinion. Especially the first 40 seconds of rambling which I guess is supposed to be "artsy".

31. :me: Highway - The Real Thing
This song actually had a lot of potential, it kind of reminds of Imagine Dragons. It builds up really nicely but goes completely south at the chorus. How could they have thought that sounded good? You had the chance of making a different and very interesting song and completely ruined it with this terrible chorus. The lyrics here don't especially help either. Still it's better then most people give it credit for, especially because of the interesting elements that are in it.

32. :ru: Sergey Lazarev - You are the Only One
The big favourite.............Jezus help me, this would be the worst winner of the past 10 years. It's a throwback of the dark ages of Eurovision around 2005, put in a newer jacket with some stolen Mans Zelmerlöw staging. The only pluses are the good production values (which Russia always has) and his live performance. But please people, don't let this win..........

33. :fi: Sandhja - Sing It Away
Sometimes I just feel like Finland is trolling Europe by sending something completely random to the contest. They have soo much potential great songs to send en then they send this........I don't think anybody expected this would be the winner in Finalnds strong national selection. Well, it's pretty mediocre and sometimes feels like two different songs. Talking of which.....

34. :no: Agnete - Icebreaker
Literally put one song put together from 2 or 3 completely different songs. It switches 3 times in one minute. It acually started ok, builds up very decently (although a bit outdated) and then ends in this horrible screamy diva ballad. I just can't stand this song, It could have been soo much better.

35. :md: Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
Is it sad if I say this is one of my favourite Moldovan entries of the past years? But why is still so low then........exactly, I think they are that bad. This song is the perfect example on how Moldova is walking 20 years behind on all the trends. I do find some of the song enjoyable though and it's a huge improvement from last year, which isn't saying much.

36. :ua: Jamala - 1944
Ok how do I defend this one. Lets start with the fact that I appreciate the political message and the mindset behind the song and her live is really strong. That being said, this for me is one of the most annoying songs of the year with just a lot of creaming and noise behind it. It just sounds a bit over the top. I can appreciate a good message, but it's not enough to justify a song being good..........Just ask Armenia 2015

37. :by: Ivan - Help You Fly
I believe this song could have been somewhat decent with a different singer, my god he is bad. His voice is the only one I can stand less then Jamala's. I'm okay with an accent, but this is just ridiculous especially since his normal song isn't strong either. Such a waste of potential.

38. :gr: Argo - Utopian Land
This song is just a mess.......I thought at first but it starts to grow on me. Doesn't mean the song is very good still. I seem to be the only one who always wondered what Greece did to be such a Eurovision heavyweight. I don't seem to like anything they send for years now.

39. :mk: Kaliopi - Dona
I'm already start with stating I also didn't like Crno I Belo and I don't get the hype around with Kaliopi on this forum. I think the song is uninspiring and outdated, her voice is still as annoying as ever and it doesn't even take the risks "Crno I Belo" did take.

40. :be: Laura Tesore - What's the Pressure
Leave it up to the Belgians to screw up their national selection as bad as they did. They could have chosen "I'm not Lost" which could have ended in my top 5, but instead chose this outdated, weak song. I have to admit Laura is a very charming performer, but this mediocre song doesn't suit her at all. The Belgians just failed on so many levels here....

41. :al: Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale
Never liked this song, not even in Albanian, but changing it into English was the last nail in the coffin. What is this? What even is this. I just hear weird noises from her throat with some underwhelming background music. At least in the Albanian version I believed the emotions behind the song.

42. :ro: Ovidiu Anton - Moment of silence
First of all, why do people classify this as rock? This is not rock, this comes even closer to opera then rock. It just feels like the rejected villain song Jaffar could sing in Aladin 5. Romania keeps it consistent trend of jumping from great to awful each year.

43. :sm: Serhat - I Didn't Know
Oh come on.........who else could it be? The disco version is way better, but the fact this is still last says how awfully bad the original was. I'm actually glad this song is the contest, because this is the first number last I don't hate. I just think its hilarious and every year should have 1 or 2 of these hilariously bad songs to give some variation. The horror I saw on the face of my sister when I showed her this song is unforgettable. I can see the disco version being performed live, but It really makes me miss the original. I was really curious how they would have handles that song in terms of staging and presentation :lol: :lol:
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