I am a bit late but congratulations Xochimilia, well-deserved victory
The song really did stand out!
Thank you everyone who voted for Belvist, definitely didn't expect a result like this! An interesting note is that I had this song in mind for WV when I was in
but for some reason I never sent it. And now I randomly remembered that I could share it here.
@theditz83 I am so happy to hear you loved the song so much, I had no idea this is the song you were referring to when you wrote that message
But yeah, so glad to hear someone liked it so much and, I gues........thanks for 999 points
Well done
@Looren you did a brilliant job with the hosting and this video presentation was spot-on
Since I am next in line for hosting duties..........I will let you know shortly whether Belvist will be welcoming all of you once more...stay tuned!