Well-known member
Hello friends and welcome to Braedstadt, capital of Stor-Herzigdömmet Breiðdalsbar!
We are a small but fierce self governing nation and we will try our best to make this opportunity a most pleasant one for your delegations.
You know how it goes; send in your entries either via posting on this thread or a dm to your humble host.
It would be most appreciated if you could include a link to your flag's hd image.
confirmation :: 03.02.2023 :: Friday
show :: 04.02.2023 :: Saturday
voting :: 10.02.2023 :: Friday
results :: 12.02.2023 :: Sunday
Confirmed Nations (25):
Second-Hobbit Breakfast :: Mormadorei :: Belvist :: Öösingimäed :: Pyreica :: Fierraria :: Tamausia & Deltannor :: Moisantia :: Låpøtré :: Emsfrynt
L :: Bigicia :: Lo'Paia :: West INK :: Rahasia-Diati :: Nauthinia Vallis :: Konthena :: Central Bottoman Guinea :: Griffin Empire :: Akatsuki
Oussou Empire :: Balearica Island :: Utopolis :: Xochimilia :: New Bander State
Votes received from (25/25)
A disclaimer for guest delegations:
This hosting is organized by B1, the public broadcaster of Stor-Herzigdömmet Breiðdalsbar and is an affiliate of Effilands Television.
Considerably cold and snowy weather is forecasted for the duration of this organization, which is usual for Braedstadt's climate in this time of the year; however the guest delegations are advised to take adequate care and bring in either their hottest entries to stay warm in Breiðdalsbaren winter or their snowiest entries to celebrate and enjoy along with local population.
This production is a collaboration between B1 and EfT.
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