Re: Romania - Iona Bianca Anuta - "Ai puterea în mâna ta”
1. You don't have to tell me "Wooooo, slow it down"
2. I do respect your opinion! Did I offend u, or your taste? No! So don't ask me to do something that I already did.
3. I don't just my opinion, which is totally different of yours...or I'm not allowed to say my opinion?
4. If u prefer patetic "childish" songs, is totally ok for me, is JUST your taste and opinion, I have nothing against you as u probably thought, I just said that I love the song, cuz it has a great message and that is too "good" for jESC, maybe too mature.
P.S. Saying that the song is even worst than Belarus, is too exagerated and undeserved. But again is your opinion.
Have a nice day!