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Retrospective: Malmö 2013 vs Copenhagen 2014?

March 24, 2013
Looking backwards, many were displeased with the Malmö stage and thought the stage looked too small. Some people disliked the tempo of the voting, but they did like Petra Mede, despite the fact that having one host (instead of two) was not the most welcome change by many fans.

Many were worried that Denmark would not be able to arrange good-quality shows. Me myself, well, I even had a nightmare about it. Someone thought it was "safe-play" by having three hosts instead of one or two. The scaffolding-thingy resembling the stage, gave mixed opinions, but on the whole, most of the fans seemed to be pleased with it. The stage was bigger and more advanced than the Malmö one.

To break it down: Which year do YOU think had the best shows? 2013 or 2014? Copenhagen or Malmö?

Share your opinions here.


April 1, 2013
This year.

Better entries, better staging, smoother production, more impressive stage, better interval acts. People I watched thought the staging looked amazing, and so did I.

I did LOVE LOVE LOVE Petre Medre last year though. She was fabulous. I think 2013 looked like old school Eurovision from the early 90's.


Well-known member
January 18, 2012
Stage: 2014
Logo: 2013
Slogan: 2014
In-show graphics: 2014
Hosts: 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they had no host it'd better than 2013, I can't get over how much I couldn't stand the humourless and charmless Petra Mede!
Quality of songs: 2014, but just about
Host broadcaster: 2014. They fed us just the right amount of information every now and then in the run-up to the contest, whereas SVT were just lazy. Also anything's better than Christer Bjorkman
Voting: Definitely 2014.

2014: 7/8
2013: 1/8



Well-known member
April 21, 2013
I would have to say that this year was better

Host Broadcaster: DR put on a very professional, amazing show

Venue/Stage: The stage design was beautiful and able to change with each performance from something more intimate to more open

Hosts: While Petra last year was great, I absolutely adored Nikolaj, Lise and Pilou

Postcards: The idea of the artists creating their flags in unique ways was so clever! Whether it was through Rubix cubes (Hungary), recorded voice patterns (Poland), dominoes (Switzerland), candy (Germany) or double-decker buses (UK) there were so many creative ideas

Opening/Interval Acts: I really loved how inclusive many of the acts were this year such as the 26 dancers from across Europe and Australia's showcase in semi 2 and all the finalists joining Emmelie in "Rainmaker", it really emphasized the spirit of the "join us" slogan

Artists/Songs: A few songs stood out for me last year. However this year, there was a real variety of strong songs ranging from ballads to folk rock and beyond

Predictability: The one thing that stood out for me this year was the unpredictability of the outcome. The last two years, we practically knew who the winner would be even before the event. This year, with so many possible contenders it was sure to be a tight race right to the very end


Active member
January 7, 2014
Stage: Although 2014's isn't bad, I love 2013's
Logo/Slogan: 2013 by far
Hosts: Petra xbow
Postcards: I like the idea that they had this year, but last year's was better xheart
Host broadcaster: DR definately
Songs: This year I have only 3 songs with 10/10 and 2 with 9/10 while last year was 13 songs with 10/10 and 6-7 with 9/10
Interval acts: 2013 xshrug
Graphics: 2013, but and this year they were pretty good

Btw I loved last year except the results and I just liked this year, but I loved the results


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Zaragoza (Spain)
Stage: 2014
Logo/Slogan: I dislike both
Hosts: 2013 by far
Postcards: 2014
Host broadcaster: tie
Songs: 2014
Interval acts: 2013 by far
Graphics: both are similar

I'll add illumination and stage effects, which were like 2923821391231 times this year in Copenhagen, as well as camera work.

In general, 2014 wins, but Denmark also had two very weak points (especially compared to Sweden last year): hosts and interval acts. Especially the opening acts were so lame.


Well-known member
December 6, 2010
Of course 2014 !
Well done Denmark !
Sweden?=>Boooooo :lol:


Well-known member
December 19, 2010
Actually I like both shows and they've done superb with their initial aims. Sweden 2013 wanted to show that even rich country should take care of the expenses and wanted to deliver good show with very balanced budget. Their big aim was to show that every country could host it and the Swedish example is not too far from the capabilities of every broadcaster. It was smaller than Baku, but in many aspects much more creative and natural, without posing. Swedish stage was very cool and original with these shapes and 3D technologies used. And let's not forget the extremely funny interval acts with Lynda Woodruff. God bless her! :D The openings of the shows were also brilliant and actualy better than this year. The theme music "We are one" was also very good. Overall very warm and friendly atmosphere.
Denmark on the other hand wanted to impress us and to take revenge against their own dreadful hosting back in 2001. And they've done it. Everything was just amazing. I actually can't believe how they've done such and amazing show in two old concrete buildings in a shipyard. The stage was also very original with many effects. The hosts were also very good, maybe the best ones since Jana and Mikko in 2007. Overall both productions were on a fantastic level, better than everything before - both technicially and with the content.
To be honest, I'm little sad now when we leave Scandinavia. People there really are obsessed by Eurovision and both years there was the most important thing - the Eurovision spirit. Shows in past years were also amazing, there were also big stages, good backdrops, dynamic camera angles and so on. But what makes 2013 and 2014 special is their spirit - very friendly, natural, and withoud hiding their mistakes and bad points. They even made fun of them. DR and SVT have done really amazing job, they should be proud of! The host broadcasters in the next few years have almost impossible task to exceed that level. The bar is just too high now, but that's Eurovision - you never know. :)


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Copenhagen 2014 was the best one ever.


Active member
June 9, 2013
Before the Contest, I thought it could be one of the weakest ESC:s for a long time, I can say now that I´m glad that I was wrong, I have 5-6 songs left from last year that are still in my iPhone. Compare that too at least 10 this year and you can guess which Contest i prefer.

The only thing that was better last year in Malmö was transportation. Otherwise the Danes did a great job hosting this year. Big thanks for three fantastic shows xthank xthank


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Well those two are hard to compare for me ... I generally don't like it to compare or rank different ESC's 'cause I have a special emotional connection to each one of them.

Stage/Venue: Both had their own charms ... the Malmö-stage fitted the rather small arena & the theme very well & so did the Kopenhagen one... Malmö Arena was a safe choice but they could have gone bigger ... I mean its Sweden - I had hoped for something huge. In 2014, It was very brave and creative to choose B&W and I'm still impressed what they did to this hanger. I'll go for 2014which is for me the best stages since 2011.

Logo/Slogan/Theme: "#JoinUs" was very interesting ... and I still don't get why many people think its not creative - they connected their theme with the shows & interval acts! "We are one" was lovely - I still think that those butterfly-flags are the most beautiful idea ever in eurovision. hard one ... I can't decide. Both 2013/14.

Host-Broadcaster: SVT seemed very over-challenged last year (I expected a lot more) and for my taste there was too much of Björkman all around. DR did a great job, surprisingly so I'll go for 2014 here.

Host(s): Petra Mede was funny in the first Semi but got more and more annoying and unfriendly with every show. Our "Threesome" this year was really likable - it seemed like they had a lot of fun and they seemed very good prepared. 2014 again.

Songs: There were great ones in both years ... so I'll go for both here.

Voting: I think there is no need to say anything ;) - 2014

Postcards: The postcards were outstanding & heartwarming in both years - they were very close to the artists & weren't used for advertising (yes I'm looking at you Azerbaijan). The music was super amazing in both editions. So both.

Opening/Interval-Act: TBH I wasn't impressed by the 2013 ones (besides "Euporia in Semi 1). In 2014 we had a lot of great and innovative things - the online-choir (gave me goosebumps), the dancing thing (I laughed so hard) and many more ... the interval act in the final ... "Only Teardrops/Rainmaker" was breathtaking and heartwarming (spread love, not hate -just sayin' xlove) - I still don't know where this feeling came from but at that moment I felt like being part of something really big! 2014 again.

So we have:
2013: 3
2014: 8

Overall, It just seems like 2014 was way better planed and produced. The concept seemed profound and it felt like the Danes were very proud to host this contest and they were open to the world. I can easily say that this year was the best Eurovision Song Contest for me (note: I'm into this since 2007)


Well-known member
February 20, 2011
Athens, Greece
Stage: 2013. I loved the idea of the stage being closer to the viewers and more intimate, true to 2013's slogan.
Logo/Slogan: I loved the butterfly in 2013, and the idea of a short video showing the caterpillar's journey all the way from Azerbaijan to Sweden. Sorry, but this year the diamond seemed just like two simple triangles put together.
Hosts: Of course 2013, and by far! I like the cold and cutting sense of humour that Petra Mede represents. She's in fact the best host ever, or at least the best I can remember.
Postcards: 2014 - very creative
Host broadcaster: SVT
Songs: 2013 - I love Koza Mostra! ;) (other songs from the last year too)
Interval acts: Swedish Smörgåsbord xbow (2013) Extremely funny and original!
Graphics: tie


Well-known member
March 16, 2011
Stage: 2013 - this year's was far too big
Logo: 2013
Slogan: both were awful
In-show graphics: 2014
Hosts: 2013
Quality of songs: 2014, by quite a margin
Host broadcaster: 2014 - DR didn't appoint the devil himself, Bjorkman
Voting: 2014


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
I think 2014 pretty much beats 2013 in every aspect except for host and logo.


Well-known member
June 8, 2011
Stage: 2014
Logo: 2014
Slogan: 2013 (both were incredibly cheesy and unimaginative though, 2014 gets some extra minus pints for the hashtag)
In-show graphics: 2014
Hosts: 2014 by far. I could not stand Petra Mede.
Quality of songs: 2014 xbow
Host broadcaster: 2014
Voting: 2013
Postcards: 2014
Opening/Interval acts: 2014
Predictability: 2014

I was fully satisfied with this year.


Well-known member
February 25, 2011
Stage: 2014
Last year´s stage was good imo, but I really loved this year´s stage. One of my favorite stages ever :-)
Logo: 2013
The butterflies were just beautiful
Slogan: 2014
I liked how this year´s slogan was integrated in the show
In-show graphics: 2013
Hosts: 2013
Just one name: Petra Mede :-)
Quality of songs: 2013
Both not my favorite years but I liked 2013 way more than 2014.
Host broadcaster: 2014
Voting: 2014

-> 4:4-draw - a mixture of both shows would´ve been the best ^^


December 28, 2009
Stage: 2014 by far, I missed the back-drop effects and DR really made a great stage and well use of effects, probably the best stage in ESC history. It was big but still functional.
Host/s: 2013, Petra is probably the best ESC host EVER, the Danish hosts were just another trio set-up that felt contrived and forced (although they were better than some of the previous ones).
Music: ESC is just becoming worse and worse and that has much to do with the juries' narrow-minded view and the fact that they are given even more powers.
Interval acts: 2013! I'm generally not a big fan of what DR was bringing to the table.
Winner/top. 10: 2013. Although not perfect, 2014 is pretty dreadful.
Transparency: With all the voting results presented afterwards, there's no doubt 2014 was better. However the fact that the broadcaster can still choose the running order and that juries can purposely sabotage entries and get away with it, lowers the credibility for the contest big time.
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